
GHA Turbo Diesel Auto

Winter 2019

One GHA T-D , growing under 2000w full spectrum LED light. I will be using bio-bizz feed from start to flush , then flushing with flawless flush for two weeks. I haven’t yet decided how I would like to train this strain so I’ll decide after sprout.

GHA Turbo Diesel

Day 10 (Week 2)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 10

Starting to see some progress now , 8 days on from the last photo.

5 years ago

Day: 2

Seeds sprouted & standing at about in inch tall.

5 years ago

Day: 0

Seed has been planted for about 3 hours by this point, will be expecting to see it sprout over the next 12 - 16 hours .

5 years ago