First grow
2x2x4 tent SF-1000
24 hour germination, another 24 hours to break the surface. Here we grow.
Blue dream feminized photo period
Day 162 (Week 24)
95 updates
303 photos
Day: 162
After drying for a week and curing for a week I finally got the final weight of 141 grams or just over 5 oz’s. During the dry time the tent smelled like grassy and fruity, after being trimmed and put in jars the smell got intense and screamed diesel fuel now the diesel is mellowing but present and I can maybe smell the fruity coming back. I will definitely be better at trimming next time and already got some g13 germinating. The End.
4 years ago
Day: 147
Day 63 Flower. Chop day! 😫
4 years ago
Day: 146
Day 62 flower. Watered yesterday 1 gallon each ph’d water. Today I’m seeing a lot of amber popping up I think tomorrow morning before lights on I will possibly chop. 😬😬😬
4 years ago
Day: 144
Day 60 flower. Nothing today. Every time I look I see more clear trichomes, still waiting.
4 years ago
Day: 143
Day 59 flower. Looks like the trichomes are mostly cloudy. Starting to see some amber I think it will be done by end of week 9 or shortly after.
4 years ago
Day: 140
Day 56 flower. Big water almost 2 gallons each ph’d water. Mostly cloudy trichomes, almost there still 20% clear with only a few amber throughout.
4 years ago
Day: 139
Day 55 flower nada today.
4 years ago
Day: 135
Day 51 Flower. 1.5 gallons each ph’d water. Beginning of flush.
4 years ago
cooney How much water do u give these every feed and how often please ? They look great
Day: 133
Day 49 of flower. Tomorrow begins week 8 of an 8-9 week strain supposedly. Half clear half cloudy trichomes at this point, with no amber to speak of.
4 years ago
Day: 131
Day 47 flower. Nada
4 years ago
Day: 130
Day 46 flower. Fed week 6 bloom nutes half strength. I decided after seeing my trichomes there was still time to feed and still flush.
4 years ago
Day: 128
Day 44 flower. Nothing today
4 years ago
Day: 127
Day 43 flower. Watered yesterday one gallon each fox farm week 4 bloom quarter strength. Probably going to start the flush at this point.
4 years ago
cooney I gallon each that’s a lot ?? If I have that it would have a lot of run off u use soil r ??
Day: 122
Day 38 flower. Nothing today.
4 years ago
Day: 121
Day 37 flower. Just PhD tap water today. Next water will be a feed at quarter strength.
4 years ago
Day: 117
Day 33 flower. Double dose of recharge and ph to 6.5 (hopefully) both ph pens reading high in new calibration solution don’t understand it. Backing off the nutes until leaves lighten up a bit, then start back at quarter strength. Had to support my first cola today they are getting to heavy to stand upright. 😁😁😁
4 years ago
Day: 115
Day 31 flower. Nothing today.
4 years ago
Day: 113
Day 29 flower. Big water yesterday. Gallon and a half each of PhD water with a little cal mag. 250-300ppm. I think I got a little nute burn showing up on the new stuff.
4 years ago
WolfKush89 BEAutiful How’s u get them to branch out like that at the base? Very nice
David0810 I used a technique called mainlining. I topped it 3 times total and bent all the new main colas as they grew to form this shape.
Day: 111
Day 27 flower. Nothing today. Got another dehumidifier coming tomorrow to try and get it down some more. It’s been hi 60% or more this last week so I need to figure it out ASAP.
4 years ago
Day: 109
Day 25 flower. Fed yesterday week 3 bloom nutes half strength. Ppm around 1450 and ph 6.5 ish
4 years ago
Day: 104
Day 20 flower. Just some tap water ph’d to 6.5 and took a few leaves to allow some air flow.
4 years ago
Day: 101
Day 17 flower. One gallon each. Recharge and cal mag. Hardly any runoff maybe need to increase water volume.
4 years ago
Day: 99
Day 16 flower. Just a little bending and manipulating the canopy. water tomorrow or the next day.
4 years ago
Day: 96
Day 13 flower. Fed one gallon each week 2 bloom nutes at half strength. Cal mag plus at 3ml per gallon.
4 years ago
BuddyKushman Nice, been following for a while. I’m liking the node stacking.
David0810 Thank you I’ve learned a lot this first grow. Next one will be a little easier I think.
Day: 92
Day 9 flower. Watered yesterday one gallon each recharge and cal mag.
4 years ago
Day: 90
Day 7 flower. Nothing happening. Water tomorrow I think.
4 years ago
Chasejohnson Wow nice training man
David0810 Thanks.
Mka_zay44 How did you get it to do that like spread out more? Never knew how can u help?
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Day: 88
Day 5 of flower. Fed yesterday one gallon each. Bloom nutes full line of fox farm week one of flower recipe at 1/2 strength. About 13-1400ppm and ph of 6.5 also added 5 ml cal mag plus to each.
4 years ago
Day: 86
Day 3 of flower. Nothing happening. Soil drying slower I believe it’s from the heavy defoliation.
4 years ago
Day: 84
Day 1 of Flower. Changed the timer early this morning and today is the first day of 12/12
4 years ago
Day: 83
Cal mag and recharge. 6.5ph one gallon each.
4 years ago
Day: 82
Lolli popped and tied down. Flipping to flower in a couple days
4 years ago
Day: 81
Did a water yesterday just cal mag and ph to 6.5. Only a gallon each this time just a trickle of runoff. One more water then tie down lollipop and flip to flower they have reached my desired height.
4 years ago
Day: 77
Half strength week 4 fox farms yesterday. 1000ppm 6.5 ph. Removed tops and took out wire tie downs.
4 years ago
Day: 75
Nothing yesterday or today. Gonna feed soon tomorrow or next day.
4 years ago
Day: 73
Big water today a gallon of ph’d water 6.5 with 5 ml cal mag plus. Then second half gallon with recharge and cal mag to try and bring ppm down. My tds meter broke so hoping the new one will be better.
4 years ago
Day: 71
Watered heavy again yesterday Runoff ppm still 1800-2000 still got another week at least before flipping to flower it seems. Going to get them back on track before flowering. Took some new growth tips off and a few lower leaves.
4 years ago
Day: 69
Nothing today. Probably do a big water tomorrow and get runoff to a lower ppm. Then feed again this weekend.
4 years ago
Day: 67
I flushed both plants with 6.5ph water with cal mag at 350 ppm. About a gallon each plant and the runoff ppm was 2000+ I’m going to run low ppm water the next few waterings and watch runoff.
4 years ago
JustinCurtis I can’t wait to see this baby keep growing !!! Never seen anyone top or train an flower this way !! Amazing !!!
iiExoDiA She’s beautiful
BuddyKushman Beautiful canopy work. I will definitely be doing this on my next grow
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Day: 65
Fed cal mag and week 4 fox farms 1/2 strength no foliar. 6.5ph and 1050 ppm
4 years ago
Day: 63
Cal mag only today. 6.4ph and ppm in low 300’s
4 years ago
Day: 62
Cal mag and recharge yesterday. Nothing today.
4 years ago
Day: 60
Nothing to do today.
4 years ago
Day: 59
Nothing yesterday. Today they got 4 cups each of the full week 4 feeding at half strength. Took a couple older fan leaves that were being blocked out. Did not use the foliar spray. Ph was 6.5 and ppm was 1010.
4 years ago
Day: 57
Nothing yesterday. Today I upped the water to 4 cups ph’d to 6.6
4 years ago
Day: 55
2 cups each of 6.6ph’d water with recharge and regular dose of cal mag. Also bent down each top again, trimmed a few side shoots out. Maybe water one more time and then feed again.
4 years ago
Day: 54
Nothing to do.
4 years ago
GranDaddyPuff Love your main-lining 😍
David0810 Thanks 🙏 first attempt to grow, it’s going well so far.
Ikaika Just curious, Will this help get a bigger yield? Or is all for looks? .. love the way it looks.
Day: 53
2 cups of 6.5 Ph’d water. Still at a lower volume and no ferts until I see some nice green growth without yellow tips. I think the ph swings were too much going to try and stay on 6.5 exactly.
4 years ago
Day: 51
I gave them 2 cups each of ph 6.8 water.
4 years ago
Day: 50
No change.
4 years ago
Day: 49
LST and took lower leaves.
4 years ago
Day: 48
Just some recharge and the listed dose of cal mag plus. Ph’d to 6.4 ppm in the low 300’s. I only gave them 4 cups of water each. Last time I bumped it up too much I think. Top dressed with a shit ton of DE, I’m tired of the gnats.
4 years ago
Day: 47
Pots still feel heavy. Next water should be less volume I think. I might have upped the water too much. Sprayed for gnats again, I hate those things.
4 years ago
Day: 45
Training day! Got the final 8 tops trained down in the direction I want. Should be coasting through to flower now. 2-3 weeks we will be flipping hopefully.
4 years ago
Day: 44
No change. Sprayed an insecticide around the pots yesterday I saw some tiny bugs, also used flowers kiss foliar spray just before lights on.
4 years ago
Day: 42
Hit em with the week 3 full strength fox farms line up. I bumped the volume up to half gallon per plant also. 1380ppm 6.0ph Didn’t use the foliar spray I’m gonna use it tomorrow morning before lights on.
4 years ago
Day: 41
Nothing needed today. Tops turned up and growing nicely. Probably water tomorrow.
4 years ago
Nickbudz22 Beautiful stem form
David0810 Thanks, 1st grow so this is all I’ve seen.
Day: 40
No water today. Maybe tomorrow.
4 years ago
Day: 39
Nothing needed today, just a little bend here or support adjustment there.
4 years ago
Day: 38
Back in town and did the 3rd topping. This one was at the 2nd node out, now it’s all about training until ready to flip. Hit em with recharge and cal mag. Looks like 4 cups of water lasts 2 days now. Next feeding I might bump up the water up to 5 or 6 cups each.
4 years ago
Day: 36
All good today. Looks like the tops are turned up again. No water. Leaving for a couple days, when I get back it’s gonna be topping time. I want a little more time for a couple splits to heal from bending out the last nodes.
4 years ago
Day: 35
Hit em with the full week 2 fox farms nute line at 100% strength for half gallon. Ended up at 1340 ppm and ph’d to 6.0. A little higher than the ppm they say it will be but my tap added 140 ppm to start so its pretty close.
4 years ago
Day: 34
No water today. 2nd plant was able to get bent today. Took the fan leaves, one more topping to go. Maybe feed tomorrow or the day after.
4 years ago
Day: 33
Did some lst to one and took a couple leaves started to bend the four nodes outward. The other plant needs a couple more days before bending.
4 years ago
Day: 32
Clearly they have grown noticeably overnight. Maybe the recharge is as good as I hear.
4 years ago
Day: 31
Hit em with some recharge at regular strength with 3ml of cal mag plus in a half gallon of water and split between the two plants. (That’s a little too much cal mag, I fucked up the math)
4 years ago
Day: 30
No water today, maybe tomorrow.
4 years ago
Day: 29
Nothing special, taking the training well.
4 years ago
Day: 28
No water today. Did some LST to the first two mains and topped them to get 4 new mains.
4 years ago
AyoDreads Hey I’m new to growing for some issues I’ve seen in my plant around day 23. I had my stem bend and go horizontal and now come say 26 I’ve had brown and white spots developing for 3 days have you encountered anything like this white your grow?
Day: 27
No water needed. The new mains grew a bit. The plant that had heat stress issues early on now looks better than the other plant. I got yellow spots on the back plant wonder if I started nutrients a little late.
4 years ago
Day: 26
First feeding today. Mixed full strength for seedlings/clones. Came in at 836 ppm with tap water ph’d to 6.2
4 years ago
Day: 25
No water today. They seem to have taken the topping pretty well. Leaves are still reaching upwards and the new mains are now getting more light. It shows some growth since yesterday so that’s good.
4 years ago
Day: 24
1st topping for mainlining technique. I am freaking out lol.
4 years ago
AyoDreads Where did you go for tips on topping my 1st grow as well I plan on topping my 2nd plant. Also how did you trip ? Did you just chop the lower branches off ?
David0810 I watch a ton of YouTube. If you search nug buckets or mainlining you will find a ton of info. Also search “weed in a pot “ and “from seed to stoned” they have a lot of training videos.
David0810 Yes in the mainlining technique you top at the third node and remove all growth below it.
Day: 23
Looking amazing today. No water needed but I would say they are completely bounced back from transplant. Reaching upwards all day and noticeable growth.
4 years ago
Day: 22
Looks like they are reaching upwards again. Transplant shock is fading. Probably begin fertilizer program next watering.
4 years ago
Day: 21
Missed a day of pictures. Watered this morning as the plants looked thirsty. This time I used some tap water that I added cal mag to 272 ppm and ph’d to 6.3 hopefully they perk up by this afternoon.
4 years ago
Day: 19
No need for water, looking a little limp from the transplant hopefully they bounce back quickly.
4 years ago
Day: 18
Transplant day! They finally moved into the 5 gallon pots. The roots looked amazing. No swirling at all I think I picked the perfect time. Added some Mykos and a tiny sample pack of recharge to the soil. Watered in with 100 ppm water. Ph 6.4. No nutes for a week and then I’ll start fox farm liquids at half strength.
4 years ago
rabbittribe How do you get your humidity to stay at 60? Mine always drops to like 36 when I have the fan on but otherwise it gets too hot. Idk how to keep the balance
David0810 I have a humidifier in the tent. It’s a fine balance between exhaust fan speed, how high to set the humidifier and the a/c in my grow room.
Day: 17
No water, just dealing with a heat wave.
4 years ago
Day: 16
Added some 100 ppm water ph’d to 6.4 same for last 3 watering.
4 years ago
Day: 15
Almost ready for water again on the bigger one. I think in the next week we will be transplanting if it keeps drying out in a day.
4 years ago
Day: 14
Just a sip of water today. Chugging along.
4 years ago
Day: 13
Still no water needed. I probably went too crazy the last watering. Things seem to be stable now. Counting the days to transplant.
4 years ago
Day: 12
No water today. I notice less gnats now so that’s good. It looks like we got 3 nodes now they seem to be nice and close so I don’t think the light is too high up or anything.
4 years ago
Day: 11
No water needed. Just got the carbon filter piped in so temp control is a breeze now. 😏 They seem to be happy again now that the environmental stuff is all dialed in.
4 years ago
Day: 10
No water just a little new growth I think the cal mag+ gave a little boost. I need to address some small gnats I’m seeing here and there. I pick up some diatomaceous earth and sprinkled in a couple heaping tablespoons to each pot. I suspect the bugs are in the soil and not the jiffy peat starters I used.
4 years ago
Day: 9
No water necessary. Still hoping to see the deformed one recover.
4 years ago
Day: 8
Added water today. Instead of Plain RO I added 100ppm of cal mag+ and ph’d to 6.5
4 years ago
Day: 7
Still no water today. One of the plants looks like it has a leaf deformity for some reason. Will continue to monitor. I moved the seedlings lower to see if my light was too close.
4 years ago
Day: 6
No need for water today temps been pretty regular now with smaller clip fans and humidifier. Tent has been around 75-80 degrees and around 55-60% humidity.
4 years ago
Day: 5
Looking good leaves are stretched upward. I’m told that’s good. Added some ph 6.4 RO water.
4 years ago
Day: 4
Just a little water and no height increase but leaves are noticeably fatter. 2nd set of true leaves starting to show.
4 years ago
Day: 3
No need for water this morning. Leaves fattened a little, no change in height really.
4 years ago
Day: 2
Looking good so far, got a little more air blowing on them now. Looks like they grew 50% bigger in a single night.
4 years ago
Day: 1
Day 1
4 years ago
David0810 24 hour germination 24 hours to break surface i49.net
leepreitauer Looks like a nice setup; good luck!