


Fingers crossed 🤞🏼

Do it, don’t do it 🤷🏼‍♂️ I did it lol

RQS Critical

Day 42 (Week 6)

1 update

3 photos

Day: 42

So after reading lengthy opinion’s on whether to defoliate or not, I decided to give it a go. Why? With the limited amount of space I have, I want to try & get as much out of this lil beastie as poss 💪🏼 I actually bought green gelato from RQS & the critical was a freebie. This was always going to be a tester, Never done this type of training before so fingers crossed she is healthy & can handle the stress. Straight after, I gave her 5 litres of feed Micro - grow - bloom - bud candy - calmag. Will check on her in a couple of hours ✌🏼

4 years ago


ChronicTonic Ok mate, no need for that really. You misunderstood what I was saying......