

Nitro Fumez, Ripped Reaper, 1969, B.S., FOTG, Barney Meat

Summer ‘24

2 gallon SOG


Day 85 (Week 13)



32 updates

71 photos

Day: 85


Day 40F

2 hours ago

Day: 84


Day 39F Final leaf strip before I roll into cruise control

a day ago

Day: 82


Day 37🌸 watered and repollinated the lowers

3 days ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥🔥😮‍💨🫡

Day: 80


Day 35F managed to squeeze an extra inch out of my grow light. Last major leaf strip expected around Day 39-42

5 days ago

Day: 74


Day 30F I really need a new ph pen Amended with 2 tbsp of 3-9-4 and 1 tbsp of 5-4-5

10 days ago


ajam_fam Just get a few vivosun ph testers. I had a decent one and the bulb broke. Been doing it the old way with drop tester. Don’t forget calibration liquid. A must have!


Vinchi Heaven no, I honestly wouldn’t buy Vivosun products even if it was for free😂 I just have to get the reusable Apera pH60. I’ve been using the ph20 for a good year and some change


ajam_fam Your plants do look good.

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Day: 71


Day 26F All girls pollinated with 3 stout males of Nitrous x Twisted Ice Cream for genetic diversity

14 days ago

Day: 69


Day 24F

16 days ago

Day: 65


Day 21F heavy on the defoliation today

19 days ago

Day: 63


Day 19F watered in recharge and plucked some sacs

21 days ago

Day: 59


Day 15🌸

25 days ago

Day: 58


Day 13F heavy handed defoliation

a month ago

Day: 57


Day 12 of 🌸 a few plants in here may get hit with some pollen

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🛫🔥🔥🔥👊🏾🫡


Vinchi Yk how we get down🫡

Day: 55


Day 10 of 🌸

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥🔥✈️🫡

Day: 52


Day 8 of 🌸 found 2 more males. Plant count is now 8

a month ago

Day: 50


Identified 2 males. Plant count is now 10

a month ago

Day: 49


Day 6 of 🌸

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🛫🔥🔥🔥👊🏾🫡

Patty Black

Patty Black Wow!! Looking amazing! I just flipped mine a few days ago.


Vinchi Nice, can’t wait to see how yours turn out! I’ve sexed about 4 males in this tent so the way it looks is about to change significantly

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Day: 47


Day 3 of🌸

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 The stretch is getting real brother 😎👊🏾🛫


Vinchi Yessir🫡 I’m hoping for no males this run

Day: 45


Day 1 of 🌸

a month ago

Day: 44

Top dressed with 3-9-4 flipping tonight. First row is LIT Farms 1969 (1) and Copycat Genetix Nitro Fumez S1. Second Row is Sol Sonic X Planet Sherb X Smile Now Cry Laterz bagseed (1) Avalanche Genetics Ripped Reaper (3) Third row in the front is Masonic Seed Fruit of the Gods (4) I culled the 3 Barney Meat for obvious reasons right?

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🛫🔥🔥🔥👊🏾

Day: 39

Green by daylight

a month ago


NativeFlower➕ Ok I see the shake back already bro 😎


NativeFlower➕ So what did you give them bro?


Vinchi @nativeflower Just pH water at 6.2

Day: 38

Topped Fruit of the Gods and lollipopped Nitro Fumez, Ripped Reaper, EG/SF bagseed, and 1969. They also seem to be recovering quickly

2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 💯👊🏾🫡

Day: 37

Found my ph pen, top dressed with 5-4-5, and watered in at 6.2 going to lollipop and put these girls through recovery once the floor dries

2 months ago

Day: 30

Can’t tell if my plants are any healthier. Been watering with rain water in lieu of not having a pH meter

2 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack Rain would be ok but that doesn’t look like soil you’re in. If that’s coco rain water would be wayyyy to high to use. I would make my feed like normal and add black strap molasses and microbes, let it sit for a day, feed and let the microbes balance out the root zone ph

Day: 29

We hanging in there

2 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack I have a discord dedicated to coco grows and I could help you out & walk you through grows.


Vinchi Preciate it growmie but there’s not much help I need anymore. I simply lost my pH meter😂


BobbyGrowMoBack That would definitely do it lol, still a good grow community over there with video & not just pics. Check it out if you have time.

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Day: 27


2 months ago

Day: 22


2 months ago


Geo420 Hi. Nice grow. Do you clone or ever clone before? Hope I’m not bothering. Just looking for some advice. Happy growing


Vinchi Thanks, and I do and have taken clones before. Every other grow is usually a clone run of the seed run if that makes sense.


Geo420 Perfect sense. This is my second time around at growing. First grow ehh wasnt done the proper way. So now I’m at it again. ? If U don’t mind me asking. How many Days/Weeks in general do you cut clones out? I have a plant but it’s only 37 days old. I say it because I’m not sure the gender yet. But I saw today the gender and I need a few more days to tell or confirm it’s gender.

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Day: 20


2 months ago

Day: 16


2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🚀🚀🚀😎👊🏾

Day: 13

Sowed 4 seeds of Fruit of The Gods and 4 seeds of Barney Meat from Masonic Seeds

2 months ago

Day: 7


3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥🛫🫡

Day: 3

Waiting on 1969 to sprout

3 months ago

Patty Black

Patty Black Nice!!!!😀👊👊

Day: 1

Back at it. It’s been a minute

3 months ago