
Bruce Banner #3

Grow 3

Happy frog mixed with perlite and castings

Bruce Banner #3

Day 56 (Week 8)

4 updates

6 photos

Day: 56

Just flushed and added nutrient’s.

3 years ago


Sibannac Those leaves are perfect, maybe use a tiny bit less nutrients


MrStopPlayin Amazing pic bro keep up the good work 🔥🔥💪🏿

Day: 15

Thinking I have a Magnesium deficiency. I was adding cal/mag once a week to RO. Guessing I need to add every time I water ?

3 years ago


Funky84 In ro water def

Day: 7

1week out of the ground, only 13-15 more to go.

3 years ago

Day: 0

Seed has sprouted and was planted this morning. 3/4” tail

3 years ago