Who's Brewing?
Brewing two teas one for inside and one for outside. The Rain water bucket is getting low.... Need some rain please. 🌧️🌧️
OG Kush and Blue cookies
Day 5 (Week 1)
4 updates
8 photos
Day: 6

I forgot this step for all the tea recipes
4 years ago
autotrain thank you for uploading these 😶🌫️
organic_grower np enjoy!
Day: 5

Ok so this book is the bomb diggity. I have been using it for a while go get it of you can!
4 years ago
Day: 5

I said I would share some tea recipes from it.
4 years ago
organic_grower 1st pic is the flower tea 2nd is high veg tea.
Mystrain420-@eaegifts You the Boss for adding this 👍🏾. Everyone should be screenshot rn 🤣
organic_grower Ya man I will keep it up for a while. This book is filled with good info worth buying for sure.
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Day: 4

Anyone brew teas?
4 years ago
Mystrain420-@eaegifts Ewc,kelp, high N bat guano and molasses during veg sometimes
organic_grower I forgot about worm castings on day two in the tea.
Mystrain420-@eaegifts I’m brewing a tea now with ewc but I see great things with other compost also. And if you’ve got the ewc now u can top dress and water it in, that probably be better for you anyways since u outdoor.
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