Mystery Seed
Found it in my car while vacuuming.
Mystery Seed
Day 69 (Week 10)
15 updates
33 photos
Day: 69

Been a good minute
5 years ago
Day: 59

Just got a tea feed yesterday. First in weeks. Nothing much goin on except just watering. The convenience of dry amendments can make growing quite mundane. Lol
5 years ago
Day: 52

Looking really nice
5 years ago
Day: 48

Got fat after a late transplant. 🙂
5 years ago
Day: 40

Perhaps the guano is working or Im just being biased. 😅
5 years ago
Day: 38

Got a tbsp of Seabird Guano for a boost of phoshorus and calcium. Also got some tea and Sea90. Looking so pretty. Going to keep her in this little pot unfortunately.
5 years ago
Day: 35

5 years ago
Day: 32

Just growing tall. Too late to top. Just going to keep this one in the smal pot and see what happens.
5 years ago
Day: 29

No big pots available so need to make due in the current pot. Gave a tbsp of a mix of everything. Its not branching as much, just tall. Let's see how good the 6" pots can do. Going to reamend this soil over the weekend.
5 years ago
Screwascreenname Why is it flowering
Day: 25

Day 25 from seed now flowering. 😐
5 years ago
Day: 20

5 years ago
Day: 17

This one is doing the best amongst the sprouts. Just water and fulvic for now. Sprayed down with insect frass water for pest control
5 years ago
Day: 10

Its a vigorous grower! Probably the fasting growing and healthiest of the sprouts
5 years ago
Day: 6

Just got a tea feed
5 years ago
Day: 2

Right out of the gates this sprout grows so tall. Can't keep up with it.
5 years ago