April 25th - start
3ft x 3ft x 8ft environment (old shower), LED lightning: 1 (300watt full spectrum), 1 65watt rbg vegetation, 1 CFL 65 watt bulb
Day 28 (Week 4)
6 updates
7 photos
Day: 28
The plant is 14 inches tall, starting to produce a good smell. Pulling top node to the side to initiate a wider grow. I used Miracle Grow: Seedling Nutrition once a week for the first two weeks. Then stopped. Since using LEDs lighting the heat doesn’t evaporate as fast so I’m watering lightly twice a week. Temperature is 77 degrees and the humidity is 65%. My light cycle is 18 on 6 off. Oh and I mixed in some bat guano a week ago in the soil.
6 years ago
Day: 26
This is the result of too much water. She needs to dry out
6 years ago
Day: 24
Starting to look like a winner
6 years ago
Day: 24
Looking healthy
6 years ago
Day: 21
Consistently getting great results with minimal attention
6 years ago
Day: 20
Growing quickly
6 years ago