Nev and stephs first grow 2019
4 plants grizz 2 plants bubba lush
Grizz/bubba kush
Day 28 (Week 4)
5 updates
5 photos
Day: 28

1 st plant clockwise is Bubba Kush and other 3 are Grizz
6 years ago
Day: 13

Largest plants are the Grizz, smaller 2 in the centre are bubba kush. Lights have been on during seedling growth for 24hrs for 8 days. I’ve set timer to 18-6 today. Another 3 grizz seeds were germinated and planted 3 days ago. 2 bubba kush seeds are also in germination and will follow up with those.
6 years ago
Day: 10

Plant is about 3 inches tall on 24 light
6 years ago
Day: 6

No growth on bubba kush seeds purchased from Crop King
6 years ago
Day: 5

Seeds were planted April 30th
6 years ago