
Little Stilton

June Bud 2020

My first weed baby 🌳💜


Day 17 (Week 3)

18 updates

30 photos

Day: 17

Leaf clocking in above 3 inches!

4 years ago

Mjrose Also Moved You Into Your Newest Home!

Day: 16

Just above 2.5, 12 🍀

4 years ago

Day: 15

2.5 Inches!!!

4 years ago

Day: 14


Baby! Your leaves are lovely! Just about 2 weeks and already 10 leaves.

4 years ago

Day: 13


Your 4 new leaves are really coming out! And you got to meet my dad and Mommom today! So so proud. Going to have to press some of you later for my dad🥰

4 years ago

Day: 12

Baby girl has 4 baby leaves starting beginning to come out. Sorry I forgot to measure you today!

4 years ago

Day: 11

Love you Baby June💜🍀

4 years ago

Day: 10

Your leaf span is wider than you are tall & I’m sooo proud! Keep growing june baby💜🍀

4 years ago

Day: 9

Your leaves are really coming out! Super excited for you to keep extending out!

4 years ago

Day: 8

Your leaves are growing out so healthy and strong little plant! Looking forward to you continuing to grow! 🍀

4 years ago

Day: 7

June is doing so well! 2 new leaves are forming in the center and she is standing almost completely up! Looking forward to monitoring your growth!

5 years ago

Day: 6

Finally watered you! Hope you loved it. You like your sound playlist and looking good!

5 years ago

Day: 5

Waiting for you to drink all your water. Grew another centimeter? Leaves are coming through!

5 years ago

Day: 4

Hello Little Bud. Your leaves are coming in nicely and I look forward to your continual progress. I think you like your plant playlist.

5 years ago

Day: 3

So proud of you! Your new leaves are much more noticeable. About 1/2 inch from the soil & it’s only Day 3. Soil still slightly wet, haven’t watered since placed in pot but will do soon!

5 years ago

Day: 2

So proud of you June babyyy! 2 new baby leaves coming in for day 2 and you’ve raised up from the ground a bit too.

5 years ago

Day: 1

June is officially in her first home!

5 years ago

Day: 0

I am officially a plant mom! First weed plant, and I’m so proud.

5 years ago