Northern Lights Auto
Second grow
Just started the germination process today. Keeping the seed in the grow tent, in the dark, under a humidity dome until she sprouts. Then will transplant into final soil.
Northern Lights Auto
Day 20 (Week 3)
18 updates
22 photos
Day: 20

Started the LST process on Tuesday, and she is already trying to move back up. I watered her today and she is still looking good. RH 68%, 77F. Humidity a bit high, working to bring it down under 60%.
6 years ago
Day: 18

Ok! So, I watered her today and she is still looking good! I am so not sure on how to tackle this LST, it seems she is going to be bigger than the actually box once fully grown, I’m not sure. I will do some research today and see how I want to go about this. I may have to top her. Although, I will find a different alternative before doing so. I’m also considering for my next grow, a bigger tent, to combat this issue of not enough room. RH 60%, 79F.
6 years ago
Day: 16

Getting big and still looking good! Thinking of how to attack this LST thing lol. I’m even considering topping her as well. I’m not quite sure yet.
6 years ago
Day: 15

Picture from yesterday and today. RH was 63% and 73F. Today it is 62% and 75F. She is growing astounding fast lol as usual. I love waking up to the progress that I see when I hit the lights on for the day. First picture is today, last picture is yesterday. I will be watering her today.
6 years ago
Day: 13

I love waking up to the fast progress. It amazes me how fast they grow. I’m thinking of my LST strategy. She needs a few more nodes before I start but I’m just preparing myself. Rh 63%, 75F.
6 years ago
Day: 12

Dang my cat did a. Number on her lol but she still going strong. I like it. I will be watering her today as well. RH 63%, 75F.
6 years ago
Day: 11

She’s recovering nicely from yesterday’s mishap. RH 43%, 84F.
6 years ago
Day: 10

So, I walked into my grow room today and found a mess! Leaves scratched, down to the side and soil all over the place. My cat is the guilty party. She still looks good though. Just put her back together a bit and hopefully she recovers nicely. Doesn’t look like he used the bathroom in there but not quite sure. It’s organic either way, so she’ll be alright. As for my cat, I’m a little pissed (no pun intended) but next time he’s gonna answer for his crimes! Lol. 56%RH, 77F.
6 years ago
Day: 9

Second set of leaves are out! I watered her today and everything’s still looking good! RH 47%, 82F.
6 years ago
Day: 8

Growing mega fast, lol. I have been paying close attention to her first set of true leaves and they seem to be yellowish. I am not sure if this is a problem showing its face early or this is standard for her strain. I will keep a look out and see how things progress. 63% RH, 77F.
6 years ago
Day: 7

Still looking good and going strong! Watered her today. RH 46%, 82F.
6 years ago
Day: 6

Ok! So I had to offset her to the left side, as I remembered that I’m LST’ing and need the branches to grow outward. So being centered would leave little space for her to stretch in the long run. I think I got this right lol. I guess we shall see! 58% RH, 77F.
7 years ago
Day: 5

Look how fast she is sprouting! She is in her final soil. My setup is a bit different from my last setup. I am using a jumbo cat litter box this time cause I prefer rectangle boxes for LST. It was a bit hard to LST with the smart pot. I figured with this box, she can be LST’ed to stretch out and grow outwards, the long way instead of upwards. RH is currently 55% and 81F. I will water her tomorrow.
7 years ago
TayTay Have you ever grown NL before??? I just ordered some seeds from seed supreme.
Day: 4

It’s go time guys! I will be turning on the lights today to get her going some more. I will probably transplant her in the next few days.
7 years ago
Day: 3

Alright! So, she is here! I buried her too deep, so I had to go search for her and help her reach the top. I will start her in her final soil and start lights once she sprouts just a bit more. She looks good!
7 years ago
Day: 2

No change yet. Wondering if I should change my strategy.
7 years ago
Day: 1

Still no change. Patiently waiting.
7 years ago
Day: 0

Doing it a little different this time. Going to keep the seed under a humidity dome, in the grow tent, in the dark, until she sprouts. Once she sprouts I will transfer her to her final soil.
7 years ago