Gdp + flo
First grow
GDP + flo leagle
Gdp+ flo
Day 18 (Week 3)
12 updates
14 photos
Day: 18
Doing good! Moving to mountains they will love there air!
6 years ago
Day: 13
Plants look great!
6 years ago
Day: 10
So beautiful. What does bleaching look like when a light is to close to the plant? Will the leafs begin to turn a light green color
6 years ago
Day: 9
Adding music to the mix
6 years ago
Day: 8
6 years ago
Day: 8
First node!
6 years ago
Day: 7
6 years ago
Dab710247 Hey homie ! Love the budget grow ! Big piece of advice ! I’d transplant right into at least a 3.5gal planter. With small grows usually time is imperative! You’ll have a more productive veg if you let your roots settle in at home quick ! Love the budget grow !!! Way nicer then my first!!
Day: 6
Plants look great. Added homemade nutrient tea. Light about 1-2 feet away clay pots dry as hell though.
6 years ago
Day: 4
Left is holding strong right still shedding husk
6 years ago
Day: 3
Both sprouted. Leaf is brown in biggest sprout. Grayish brown stalk
6 years ago
Day: 1
Potted seeds
6 years ago