

Watermelon Zkittles autos

Summer 22

3 watermelon skittles auto flowers in 3 gallon fabric pots, ocean forest with added perlite. Gonna do some LST this round and hope it improves yield. Need to focus more on maintaining proper ph and getting proper run off to stop any buildup of nutrients. 1/4 strength nutrients until flowering then work up to half strength.

Watermelon Zkittles

Day 58 (Week 9)

11 updates

37 photos

Day: 58

Not good. I don’t get it it’s always either too much or too little

3 years ago

420BraiseIt Try flushing with some PH neutral water (Ideally RO water) for a few days, then slowly reintroduce the nutes 👍🏻


colby_moore No sir don’t see the reason to flush ph is perfectly in check and they are having deficiency issues.

Day: 49


was really busy so they were under watered for a few days but they are also showing some weird leaf symptoms idk I’m also just kinda not happy with the bud structure. Why are they so small and stemmy. Don’t get it

3 years ago

Day: 42

Really coming along. Think I’m noticing the start of cal/mag deficiency but I’m not sure I know my ph is in range so they should have plenty of available cal/mag but my last feeding was still under 500 ppm. But the soil has a bunch of nutes in it too tho. Love how the LST turned out tho shits wack

3 years ago


organic_grower Plants look great! Pic #3 nice branching 👍

Day: 34

These girls are crankin now. Bud structure is starting to form but I still am tying them down. did a lot of leveling today really happy with how the canopy is coming along on the two on the right. For my first time doing LST this is pretty cool to see

3 years ago


colby_moore Not to mention my ph is good and the plants are not showing any signs of deficiency or burn. I also managed to get a decent amount of run off by around the start of flowering so I’m really happy with how this grow has been going so far!

Mega Pint 🍺 Looking tasty! 👌

Mega Pint 🍺 What lights are you using there?

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Day: 30


Fed today ph 6.0 Ppm 200 in/ ph 6.2 our ppm 1500 out

3 years ago


2hi2late Yo man i need ur help on something


colby_moore What’s going on my guy? I’ll give you my two cents

Day: 28


Continued LST. Canopy is coming together nicely.

3 years ago

Day: 26


Growth is coming a long quickly definetly time to crank up the nutes. Super happy with how the LST is turning out. Look at the angle on that one stem!

3 years ago

Day: 23


Things are heating up! Growth has really taken off in the past couple days and I’m just barely starting to see pistils. Did a lot of tying down today adjusting the main stem (very carefully as it’s starting to harden) and tied down the bigger fan leaves. Gonna crank up the nutes a bit probably aim for 600 ppm next watering. Pretty happy with how the lst turned out lemme know what I could have done better though.

3 years ago

Day: 21


Training seems like it’s going well not really totally sure what I’m doing but adjusting pretty much daily

3 years ago

Day: 18


Going well. Been training for a few days stems are so fragile but starting to strengthen a bit. Gave their first watering with any nutes in it today nothing wild. Silica, cal mag, grow. 6.0 ph 150 ppm. Moved them under the more powerful lights because my cukes and tomatoes are outside now!

3 years ago

Day: 7

The one in the plastic pot is a photoperiod that I’m putting outside but I’ll likely start bending these little guys over next week and the week after that I’ll start a low nutrient feed. Base nutes, silica and cal mag.

3 years ago