The Secret in the Closet
The first attempt
This is my first grow attempt. The seed was provided by my long time dealer and friend after hearing I was interested in growing. I guess we will need to figure out if this is a male or female first...
Birthday Cake Kush
Day 14 (Week 2)
12 updates
27 photos
Day: 14
Day 14! I think my plant is a little sick. I have moved the light away a bit because I have a feeling it is getting too hot from the light, although the heat does not feel to extreme putting my hand close.
5 years ago
Mystrain420 My guess is ph issues. U should update the info about your grow besides who gave you the seed. If you put growing medium, average rh/temps, nutrients u use & additives ppl can give better advice 😊👍🏾
Dasilva1991 This is not heated spot! Somethings wrong with your water or nutrients ! What nutrients are you giving?
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Day: 13
Day 12! This plant is showing tons of what I call “baby leaves” (?). The colour is quite different from the rest of the plant, is that normal? Anyway, I gave it quite a little watering sesh, just enough to start draining out the bottom. I’ve been using a little spray bottle to water it. The fan definitely helped this stem pick up some muscle. Happy growing!
5 years ago
Day: 12
Day 12! The leaves are coming out quickly! I am however a bit worried about the colour of the inner leaves? I’m not sure if this may be due to lack of water or heat? Any ideas please let me know. Otherwise, happy growing!
5 years ago
Mystrain420 I saw the last update u did, I think u misunderstood what I was saying
Mystrain420 I meant put the plant on top of the empty flower pot so it’s closer the the lamp light. Then move the other light directly above the plant a few inches how u had it
RoryBreaker Wow, complete stoner moment there. Thanks so much for clarifying 😆. I’ll make some moves soon...
Day: 11
Day 11! The plant is really taking off now. I bought a new fan to strengthen the stem. I also added a bit more soil on top to make sure the stem doesn’t fall over. Happy growing!
5 years ago
Dasilva1991 Nice !! When your plant gonna be a lilttle more you can bind the main stem a little bit like scrog method and it will help to be less spaghetti!
RoryBreaker Thanks man! I’ll be sure to check that out👍🏼
Day: 10
Day 10! Man, I am amazed at how these plants can take off so fast and how interesting it is to track its growth. I decided to put my desk lamp on top of the big pot to get maximum light (thanks MyStrain420!). The fan is a goner, I woke up in the middle of the night to a grinding noise that turned out to be the fans blades becoming off balance and scratching the sides. I have gone ahead and bought a small fan (it’s still on its way) to replace it. Hopefully this will finally strengthen the stem. As said before, any and all input is greatly appreciated. Happy growing!
5 years ago
Day: 9
Day 9! I kept the fan inside the cupboard with the little guy. As you can see, I am not working with a conventional grow setup, and I need all the help I can get. Right now, the lights are on 24/0. I am unsure how this will affect its health along the way. Any and all tips are welcomed and you should see your input make a difference in my grow! More to follow.
5 years ago
Mystrain420 Since one of ur lights is a lamp which can’t be hung upside down to be closer, I’d flip over the big flower pot upside down and sit her on there so she can be close to both lights. I’d also move her closer to the reflective walls. Be sure to do the hand test when bringing the lights close( if it’s to hot for ur hand it’s to hot for the plant). If the stem continues to stretch without the leafs growing then plant her deeper with only an inch of stem showing. Good luck👍🏾
RoryBreaker Thanks! I’ll pop the light a bit higher. I’ll also be sure to check the stem and make sure it doesn’t stretch any further.
Day: 8
I added an extra light to help the poor boy. I also added a small fan which circulates the air. I am worried that the stem may be a bit weak... reminder, this is my first try!
5 years ago
Dasilva1991 Its gonna be find! Your plant is going to be stronger in few days with the fan!
RoryBreaker Thanks man! I’m really trying to be careful with the little guy.
Day: 7
It’s day 7! I see the second set of leaves coming out. Still have one CFL light to power the grow, should consider adding more light.
5 years ago
Mystrain420 Just keep the light close and if u can add a few more it’ll veg fine under cfl just a bit slow. U should add a lite breeze to strengthen the stem, use an oscillating fan so the breeze isn’t constantly on it 😊😊👍🏾
RoryBreaker Thanks Mystrain420! I tried a fan which was unfortunately low quality, so needed to remove it.
Dasilva1991 My last grow was cfl too! The only thing i can say to you is add like 3 or 4 light and keep it like 8” above your plant! Cfl work but remember more light you have more healthy your plant gonna be! Keep the light close cause cfl dont have alot energie If at 8” you see hot spot take it back to 9” do some test the plant gonna tell you what to do!
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Day: 6
Day 6!
5 years ago
Day: 5
It’s day 5!
5 years ago
Day: 4
It’s day 4!
5 years ago
Day: 3
It’s first appearance
5 years ago