

First Grow

I know this isn’t the right app for this kind of grow but it’s what I have :). Psilocybe Cubensus B+ psychedelic mushroom Started in a sterilized spawn bag using rye grain. Finishing in a mono tub with coco coir as the substrate.

Psilocybe Cubensis \ B+

Day 67 (Week 10)

58 updates

117 photos

Day: 67

Ha! Look at em go! This is off the contaminated tub that I buried!!! This cake is just a giver. Not going to be many more updates in this grow as both cakes are buried outside now. One tub got contaminated and the other just stopped. Great damned grow, fuckups and all. And, I get to pick them outside whenever they wish to provide psychedelic umbrellas for the foreseeable future! Thanks to those that followed along.

5 years ago


Mystrain420 👍🏾. So cool congratulations on the grow

wiffybead Thanks! Hopefully it was an informative or at least interesting journal read :)

kooanikki glad everything worked out, you actually got me interested in growing shrooms so ive started my own shroom grow as the plant i was growing was a male. used magicplantexchange got 8 syringes coming from amsterdam

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Day: 62

Not a bad bit of growth. Slower for sure. Interestingly they are almost all side pins. Will harvest tomorrow night at the latest and this tub will be done.

5 years ago

GIBBZx719 Where do you order your spores/ other equipment

wiffybead Got the spores from reddit. Most of the supplies from amazon and Home Depot. You could find everything from somewhere like Walmart or target but I’m lazy so had most of it shipped.

wiffybead r/sporetraders

Day: 61

Here it is folx. The final product. 100 capsules, each filled with almost .38g of powdered B+ mushrooms. Staying in a cabin on an island in the middle of a river this weekend. Couldn’t think of a better place to test the crop. Wish me luck!

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Damn 38g per cap. Enjoy your trip and vacation 😂


bud Damn! I’m rebuilding the app at the moment and this was a fun post to come across! The new app will be out soon-ish (lotta work) but it’s soooo much better thanks for contributing!

Day: 61


Oi. One tub is definitely toast. All the little pins heads are light colored and some have what appears to be white powder in them. Throwing it out just in case. The other tub is ok as far as contaminants are concerned but it’s going slooooooow. Wait and see on that one I guess.

5 years ago

Day: 60

4th Flush - Day 4 Stalled. Not doin nuttin but lookin like shit. May try a few tricks to install them or I may just toss em and get ready for the next project. I’ve got some Cambodian Albino swabs and they will need to be used with agar. Scaaaarrrry!

5 years ago

Day: 58

4th flush - Day 2 Not a lot of progress, unless you count the fact that it’s turning into a carrot farm. Both subs are decidedly orange. Apparently this is normal when cutting mushrooms free. Stumps start decomposing. Started the pull and twist method to prevent any further orangification. New tub harvested today was all pull and twist. These things are looking gnarly but still smell only of mushrooms. Interested to see what the next flush will look like.

5 years ago

Day: 57

Day one of 4th flush - plus a 3rd flush harvest Boy o boy did I wait too long. I was watching it throughout the day yesterday but didn’t pull the trigger. Should have pulled the trigger. Cake looks like a war zone now. Lots of little spore circles :(. It is what it is :). Looks to be the best haul yet. But the stems are pretty skinny. So we shall wait til the dry weight for proof of that. Drying now Took some spore prints yesterday and they are thicc as fuck! Grabbing some more off this tub as well. I’ve got enough spore prints to last a lifetime now. Each print can be used many times so there’s an assload of inoculations, experiments, and whatnot available for the future. 13.1g dry 3rd flush total - 20.3g dry Running total - 45g - 3 flushes

5 years ago


Scadz42 Crazy 👍

Day: 56


3rd Flush - Day 5 Well I waited til the next day and boy did it open. Ripped itself apart opening up. Dumped a bit of spores but not horrible. Old stumps have turned an orange color. No idea if that means they are contaminated or just part of the process. Time for more research. Plucked the two largest from the second tub but will wait til more caps open to get the rest. 7.2g dry. Best weight that tub has had

5 years ago

Day: 55

3rd flush - Day 4 Got one mushroom that looks like it will be finishing up this afternoon. I’m going to push it a bit and let it grow with the veil off for a bit and see if we can get a much larger mushroom out of it. If it dumps spores all over the substrate, well, that’ll be the price I pay for science!!!

5 years ago


hashCompany Is it bad if it dumps spores?

wiffybead From what I understand, if you get spores on the mycelium she stops producing mushrooms in that spot. Apparently the mycelium thinks that area is being taken by another mycelial entity and instead of fighting for the space, concentrates it’s attention elsewhere.

wiffybead One mushroom dropping spores in an isolated area is not a big deal, but if you let the whole flush go too long you could lose most of your fruiting area.

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Day: 54

3rd Flush - Day 3 Growth continues apace. Those that are already mushroomy will get harvested in a few days but I’ll probably just yank those and let the legions of pins grow instead of a full harvest.

5 years ago

Day: 53

3rd Flush - Day 2 Man these cakes are looking like something that gets thrown out of the fridge. No idea how much longer she can go before I toss her out. No definitive signs or smells of contamination. Wait and see I suppose.

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Your making me wanna try this. 👍🏾

wiffybead Lol. If anything it should show that you can fuck up and still produce :). It sure is fun tho

Day: 52

3rd Flush - Day 1 Noticed what may be some contamination in tub 2. Wait and see if it is contam or just bruising of the mycelium. Lots of pins so I’m hoping for a much larger flush this go round. Substrate misted and fingers crossed.

5 years ago

Day: 51

2nd Flush - Day 5 Harvest time. At least half the veils were torn or completely broken. Nice lil chonkers too. Not as much weight as the first flush but there are loooots of pins, so the third flush may just be the biggest. I can only assume the first two flushes were light due to water content (stupid high temps dried out the substrate). The second flush had less total mushrooms but they were heavier than the first. So hopefully with the rehydrated block and lots of pins we will see mad harvest :). Tub 1 wet weight - 73.1g Tub 1 dry weight - 4.9g Tub 2 wet weight - 84.2g Tub 2 dry weight - 5.8g Total yield - 2 flushes Wet - 376.4g Dry - 24.7g

5 years ago


Scadz42 Good work!!!

wiffybead Not bad for a rook. Hoping it just gets better :)

Day: 50


2nd Flush - Day 4 Nice lil chonkers. Definitely looking thicker than the first flush. Hoping for a few more days of growth before the veils break. But it does look like a few of the caps have started to go light tan, and that seems to be an indicator that they are almost ready. Fingers crossed.

5 years ago

Day: 49

Second Flush - Day 3 Looking like the second flush is going to be pretty sporadic in both tubs. Buuuuuut I’m seeing lots of new pins so hopefully the third will be a bit denser. Also hoping that with a good amount of water added back into the substrate the new shrooms will have the opportunity to get much larger.

5 years ago

Day: 48

A month and a half was enough to go from syringe to harvest. Not bad considering the fuck ups. Just flipped my bud to flower and I I know I have at least two months to go. Good golly shrooms are faster to grow lol. Just watchin now. 3-8 days between flushes apparently. Can’t wait for round two

5 years ago

Day: 47

Whoooooooo. Gonna be a big update. Ended up harvesting both tubs yesterday. Every time I turned around one of them had veils breaking. Not amazing weight. I can only hope that was due to the excessive heat that almost killed everything and the blocks drying up. Fully rehydrated the blocks so hopefully they can show me their true colors. Tub 1 : Day 1 - 2nd Flush Wet weight - 102.4g Dry weight - 6.3g Left what I thought were the pins and they are vigorous this morning so that gives me hope Tub 2 : Day 1 - 2nd Flush Wet weight -116.3g Dry weight - 7.4 g Left the pins as well but the block cracked during transfer so I don’t know how much that will slow things down. I’ll have the total total weight tomorrow as I’ve got 4 larger caps from each tub in the dehydrator now. They were used to make spore prints. With these I can hopefully make everything I need on my own. Yay Running total 14g 1 flush

5 years ago

Day: 46

Fruiting Conditions: Day 16 We may just be done folx. With the first flush on the second tub :). 1st tub lookin good and progressing nicely. Buuuuuuut the second tubs biggest mushie already dropped its veil so she at minimum got plucked today. Can’t have them in their with their veils down or spores will get everywhere and mushrooms have a difficult time growing up through spores. Crazy. I’ll have my eye on her today to keep an eye on the rest. If another veil tears I’ll chop the lot

5 years ago

Day: 45


Fruiting Conditions: Day 15 They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well here’s a 4000+ word update ;). They got new lids today. Basically another shoebox tub flipped over on top so the shroomies can have more room to grow. Yay for necessity!

5 years ago

Day: 44


Fruiting Conditions: Day 14 Look at those lil babies go! Excellent growth since yesterday. She is packed on all sides. Looks like one of the tubs is going to get an inverted tub to replace her lid as those lil puppies are almost ready to touch lid :). Excited!

5 years ago

Day: 43


Fruiting Conditions : Day 13 Back into daily growth updates. Yay! Both tubs are making definite progress. Lots and lots of pins spread pretty evenly throughout the tubs. I’m really hoping they all pull through because there will be quite the yield if they do. Woot woot. Ordered pill capsules and pill filling tray for when they finish. Sweeeeeet

5 years ago

Day: 42

Fruiting Conditions : Day 12 Holy dirty donkey dicks Batman!! We got pins!!!! Still dont know if the substrate has become contaminated or just partially dead, buuuuuuut there’s lots and lots of pins baby! Woot woot

5 years ago

Silly-hippy420 That’s awesome man honesty am inspiring me with these would love to get into it as cannabis is my go to switch it up start something new would be dope and we’ll mush is 💯🤯🔥

wiffybead I’m glad I didn’t kill it lol. Would have been a disappointing grow otherwise. Just kind of stumbled into it and have been having a blast. This morning has been super exciting. I’ve been following this guys “tek” if you are interested in watching a good video on the subject. I did the bags instead of setting up my own spawn jars, but followed his spawn to bulk procedure almost to a t

wiffybead https://youtu.be/ckLJgKy2taM

Day: 41

Fruiting Conditions - Day 11 Any changes are too subtle for me to notice. Growth continues? Or are the small changes just indications of death? Dunno. Second bag of grain finished so I’ll be starting a second grow for its fruiting. With stabilized conditions this should be a more accurate fruiting

5 years ago

Day: 40

Fruiting Conditions - Day 10 Waitin waitin waitin. Keep them doggies waitin. Wait on!

5 years ago

Day: 39

Waitin waitin waitin. No idea if I’m watching dead mycelium or if it’s just slowed down. Time will tell

5 years ago

Day: 38

Fruiting Conditions : Day 8 It’s kinda odd in here. The tub is getting darker (I assume this is due to dying mycelium) but also whiter. Odd. Like there may be parts in here that didn’t die and they are looking brighter because they are next to death. Like a slim girl hanging out with a fat chick. Fat chick looks fatter, skinny chick looks slimmer just by hanging out together. I’m rambling because there’s nothing I can do. Ramble ramble ramble.

5 years ago

Day: 37

Fruiting Conditions : Day 7 Damn damn and double damn. Everything was progressing nicely and then pkjtrrrssawccvhhhjjkjkkkkk! I’ve got a small section of mycelium that has either turned grey due to “thermal death”, or contamination has gotten a foothold due to the mycelium being weakened by the intense heat yesterday. Only time will tell. Keeping the substrate misted and conditions are good, so I can only hope it recovers

5 years ago

Day: 36

“Fruiting Conditions” : Day 6 Fuck. Went into the closet I’m using for this and heat washes over me like opening the door of a car in the summer. 109 degrees. One hundred and nine fucking degrees. Tubs are hot to the touch. Temp sensor fell off the shelf (shifty suction cup) and was dangling near the bottom where fresh air was coming in. So the damned heater was running all night. I really really hope the mycelium isn’t dead. They look ok, if a bit dry. Sprits liberally with water and am off to research.

5 years ago

Day: 35

Fruiting Conditions : Day 5 Mycelial spread increases again. Interestingly enough the tub that got propped with the chopstick seems to be giving more thin even growth, the one that had no chopstick is growing chunkier. We shall see.

5 years ago

Day: 34

Fruiting Conditions : Day 4 Oh shit. My noob is showing! Soooooo, basically I freaked out and overreacted to what apparently is completely normal. The fuzziness is Okeedokee. Fun part of this is seeing the growth difference between the two tubs after a pretty minor change to one. I rested the lid on a chopstick on one of the tubs to increase fresh air exchange and left the lid on the second only popped open. The one that got more fresh air slowed it’s growth while the one kept in the same state as before continued its aggressive consumption. Fun

5 years ago

Day: 33


Fruiting Conditions : Day 3 More and more substrate being consumed aggressively and the casing layer is fading away like a child actor after the show is canceled. Some of the rhizomorphic growth is looking decidedly fuzzy. Potentially indicating that fresh air exchange or FAE (the cool mushroom growers use acronyms!) is too low. Propped the lids up a bit with some chopsticks just in case and am off to research research research!

5 years ago

Day: 32

Fruiting Conditions : Day 2 I’m likin’ it, I’m likin’ it! More of the casing layer consumed and more mycelial fingers reaching out. Condensation on the sides and underside of the lid on both tubs. Went ahead and lightly misted all surfaces with water. Fine mist as I don’t want to over water. Had a minor issue with the temp controller. Minor issue is I’m a dumbass. Changed the temp and forgot to activate it. Temps got down to the low 70s but still in the ok range.

5 years ago

wiffybead Absafrigginlutely awesome! Exciting times :)

Day: 31

Fruiting Conditions : Day 1 Dropped the temp to 75 and installed the light. Set to 12/12. Looks amazing! To my untrained eye there was a significant amount of growth last night. Lots of fingers reaching out of the casing layer. Apparently those fingers are where she will start pinning. Ooooooh pinning!

5 years ago

Dukeshaba From what I’ve heard about them you don’t want to open them to much I thought. I’ve wanted to get some too but am always worried about online places where’d you get yours

wiffybead I check on them once a day. Good opportunity to get a little air exchange since these are on modified tubs. Traded some cannabis seeds for them on reddit

wiffybead r/magicplantsexchange for trading and r/sporetraders to buy.

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Day: 30

Just over a day has come and gone and already the casing layer is losing ground to the mycelium. Looks like there’s even rhizomorphic growth on the left! (The little white fingers reaching out of the substrate like a zombie coming out of a grave). According to people who know what they are doing, this is supposed to indicate a healthy and vigorous mycelium. Go healthy and vigorous mycelium!

5 years ago

Day: 28

Here’s all the supplies I will need for the next phase : SPAWNING TO BUUUULK! At this point I’ve added the coco coir, vermiculite, and gypsum to the 5 gallon bucket and poured in the boiling water. Place the lid on and now it will sit and steep. I’ll be stirring it up about once an hour. See ya in a bit 6 hours later... Took longer than I thought to cool down enough to mix with the mycelium. But mixed it is. Split the grains between the two shoebox totes, leveled them off, added a casing layer, spritz with 3% hydrogen peroxide, and into the closet they go. I’ve got a space heater in there on a temperature switch and I’ll be putting a light in tomorrow. Lighting will be 12/12 and the temp will be kept at 75 once the light is setup. In a few weeks the first flush should be ready to harvest :) r/sporetraders

5 years ago


wiffybead All kinds of hyped! Be a few days before there is any progress in the tubs as the mycelium needs to recover before consuming the substrate. Updates will abound, boring tho they may be :)

Kilgore Very nice!! Where do you get this?

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Day: 26

She’s lookin niiiice! Excellent progress even with fluctuating temps. I shook up the other bag yesterday and boy howdy what a difference between the two bags. The second bag is easily squeezable while the first bag is so full of mycelium that gentle pressure feels like squeezing wood. Dope. Supplies should be here in the next day or two and then it’s on to the bulk spawn. Excitement

5 years ago

Leolo Sweet!

KC40 I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to do the same but watching this progress is very informative! Can’t wait for fruiting.

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Day: 25

Colonization continues. Getting antsy. Go go go!! You would think that years of growing g cannabis would have helped with my patience. Not so much.

5 years ago

Day: 24

Chug chug chuggin along. Got my coco today so I’m almost ready. This bag is almost ready as well. Gotta pick up a bottle of ever clear, bucket with lid, and some gypsum and I’ll be ready to spawn this bad boy to bulk. Soon my pretties, soon

5 years ago

Day: 23

Shake it they said. It’ll speed up the process they said. Wow did it ever! Koo. Just 2 days after the shake and it looks like there’s a fine layer of mycelium in every husk, and there’s already new spots where the mycelium has set down roots and is spreading. Exciting times

5 years ago

kooanikki really enjoy following your grow !

wiffybead Awesome. It’s pretty dry stuff till the absolute end, content wise. Was hoping my lame jokes and splats of actual info will combine together to create a decent grow journal, rather than a, basically, boring ass series of images of boiled grain going bad lol

Bhrystvn Your grow inspired me to learn about this process! It’s interesting as hell

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Day: 21

Today is shake day! First pic is pre shake. Nice chunks of mycelium all over the bag. Second shot is after breaking up the grains and spreading the mycelium through the whole bag. Sigh. Back to looking like there’s no progress. Oh well. Supposed to speeed things along :)

5 years ago

Day: 20

More spots are popping up and the existing ones look denser and bigger. Yay. Second bag has sprouted visible mycelium as well! I am going to be spreading the two bags into 4 shoebox sized plastic bins. I was going to do a monotub for fruiting but the risk of total contamination is less with separate tubs.

5 years ago

Day: 19

Spread spread spread you little beauties. Got my vermiculite delivered and now I’m just waiting on the coco coir and I’ll be ready to go as soon as this bag is

5 years ago

Day: 18

Couple of nicely spreading spots on this side. Hopefully a few more days and I’ll be able to break it up and wait some more!

5 years ago

Day: 17

Here’s a shot of a few of the spots. Even have a fully encased rye berry rolling around on top. Nice to see it spreading. Keep waitin and watchin :)

5 years ago

Day: 16

As of this morning there are at least 5 spots of bright white mycelium visible on all sides of the bag. Looks like the spores got spread pretty evenly during inoculation! So now I wait until the mycelium has spread to about a quarter of the bag, then break it all up and spread it all around again to speed the process along. Progress is much better than the waiting. Not a fan of the waiting with no progress. No siree

5 years ago

Day: 14

Ha! What appears to be bright white mycelium is poking its lil feelers out! Efforts to keep the temps higher look to have paid off. Or not. I have no clue. Guess ill just have to keep going and find out with more grows. 😁

5 years ago

Day: 13

Getting close to the end of average. Apparently you should be seeing signs of the mycelium spreading to the outside of the bags between 7 and 14 days. I’m not crazy concerned since these are in in a colder environment and apparently that slows mycelial growth. But I was hoping it would show anyway :( All aboard the waitin train

5 years ago

Day: 11

Been successful at keeping the temps near 70 and there’s more condensation in the bag. Cook you little darlings. Cook

5 years ago

Day: 10

Ahhhh condensation! Got them into a warm enough place that there was condensation in the bag. A good thing from what I’ve read. Not much left now but stillllll a bit in the bottom. Keeping temps close to 70 and hoping those two warmish days were good enough to spur on some activity. Goooooo activity!!

5 years ago

Day: 9

Found a spot that’s a bit warmer (70 degrees ish). Plopped into a paper bag to limit light and a bit of insulation. We shall see. Put the rest of the syringe into the other rye bag in hopes of taking advantage of the slightly warmer weather we will have for two whole days.

5 years ago

Day: 8

Found out my domicile is on the cool end of the fungi world, so we won’t be seeing a mad rush of explosive mycelial growth on this one. Waiting, waiting, waiting...

5 years ago

Day: 6

Nada. Waiting as nothing visible happens is a bummer. But all good things come to those who wait. Come on good things!!

5 years ago

Day: 5

Nothing new to report. Starting to enter the right timeframe so hopefully soon there will be something worth taking a picture of :)

5 years ago

Day: 4

Here’s a shot of the spot of goo. Definitely not white so probably not mycelium. Maybe powdered rye grain clump? No idea. Fun! Keep waiting!

5 years ago

Day: 3

Nothing new in the neighborhood. Based on research I’ve still got a few days until I should see anything. Hopefully it’s spreading nicely in the middle :)

5 years ago

Day: 2

No change yet. Noticed some small clumps of slightly opaque material. Not sure if it was already there. Will know more tomorrow hopefully :)

5 years ago

Bhrystvn This is interesting af! Will be following

wiffybead Gonna be an interesting ride. Never done it before so it’s all fresh to me 😁

Silly-hippy420 Am following very interested 💯

Day: 1

Inoculated the spawn bag yesterday. Don’t expect to really see anything for at least a few days but I’ll be running this as a daily update. No change. Updated!

5 years ago

Day: 0

I know this isn’t the right app for this kind of grow but it’s what I have :). Psilocybe Cubensus B+ psychedelic mushroom Started in a sterilized spawn bag using rye grain. Finishing in a mono tub with coco coir as the substrate.

5 years ago


hashCompany How much of the syringe does it take to impregnate a bag of rye that size? How many uses can you get out of a single syringe. Sorry for the questions, just very interested

wiffybead I used 1/2 syringe per bag. You can use less but it just takes longer and there’s a higher chance of not inoculating. Going to depend on the density of spores in the syringe as well. The denser then spores the less you need to use in each bag/jar