
New grow 2020

October 2020

2 white widow photos & 1 Lemon Haze auto both run under Es300 v2 from green sunshine co in coco/perlite. I’m using Gaia Green’s all purpose 4-4-4 for veg with worm castings and will be adding a variety of nutes through this grow.

White widow/lemon haze auto

Day 8 (Week 2)

8 updates

10 photos

Day: 8

Watering when dry with ph 6.8

4 years ago

Day: 7

2nd fan leaves showing on lemon haze. Ww1 looking good

4 years ago

Day: 6

1/3 white widow did not germinate. 1/2 lemon haze did not germinate.

4 years ago

Day: 5

Watered with ph of 6.3

4 years ago

Day: 4

By 9pm 2 have popped up and began shedding shell

4 years ago

Day: 3

3/5 seeds popped. 2 have long tails. Potted all in red solos.

4 years ago

Day: 2

Placed seeds on damp paper towel on heating pad in dark

4 years ago

Day: 1

Dropped seeds in un-ph’d dechlorinated tap water.

4 years ago