

Bubblegum Bubblegum

Seed Supreme Automix

Started out indoors in April and transferred outdoors in June because the high temps are making it hard to regulate the heat in the tent. I’m a novice and I already lost 4 seedlings because of my set up. So im gonna set it out and let nature do it’s thing. No indoor grows in the summer for me.

Bubblegum Auto

Day 146 (Week 21)

12 updates

66 photos

Day: 146


Harvest… I guess

4 years ago

Peng Nature is a cruel mistress. 🙏🏻 you can improve everything though 😎

Peng Where I think you went wrong on the rot is putting them totally covered when it was raining for days, the water the plant loses from its leaves has nowhere to go but in that space and then it’s game over. Spores are everywhere outside, the best weapon against them is air flow.


Zeyberlin Sorry to see all your hard work go in the trash

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Day: 126


I just had a Time trying to cut out all the bud rot 😔. A lil more than half way done. Another learning experience

4 years ago

DracoBEBO Bummer on the rot, but still plenty left. Good luck


cannabri @dracobebo thanks man, I just hope I caught it all

Day: 125


Oh hell naw… come look at this shit here… is this mf tryna cocoon on my watch? Was it mold. I put of gloves and picked it off, it was kinda sticky and rolled up. Then it looks like little shit balls on the buds. I was just starting to flush before harvest in a couple weeks. I cut a lil piece off that looked like rot. Where do I go from here?

4 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts It’s hard to say but u may need to scrap her. I forgot the guy who actually created it but I know it’s videos of bud washing


Mystrain420-@eaegifts I’ve personally done bud washing with the lemon juice baking soda method just to clean off dust but I know it’s a method using h2o2(peroxide) to clean them when u have bud rot. Oo look up Pigeons420 I know he did a YouTube vid..Hope this helps👍🏾


cannabri Nooo not scrap… I’ll research washing before going that far

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Day: 115


Day 115

4 years ago

Day: 103


Should I just cut it off and dry and cure for a sample?🤔 that’s not stem rot right?

4 years ago


locker105 That looks very weird, but weird things happen when you grow Ganja outdoors. Stem rot in basically every case is associated with root rot and usually travels up starting from the bottom. This leads me to believe this is not stem rot and could be 1 of 3 things. Either you have a pest infestation and they ate into your stem, you had environmental damage (ex. wind), or the plant has come in contact with a type of mold. If it’s the third option, harvest that sucker as fast as you can because it WILL spread and lead to foul tasting buds that are dangerous to consume.


locker105 Mold is every growers worst nightmare, and once one plants comes in contact with it, your whole garden will be infected. It’s kind of like COVID, you gotta quarantine anyone that looks sick before it becomes a pandemic.


cannabri @locker105 Yikes 😳 I definitely hope not mold, if u see my previous post it was kinda floppy and this is 2 days later. My first thought was to cut it off, but should I still try to dry and cure it?

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Day: 100

This stem is all floppy. Is that bad?

4 years ago


cannabisking Just means it got forcefully snapped somehow, twist tie it the way it’s suppose to go straight and it’ll be fine. They recover. Fan leave stems work the same way*

Day: 99


Photo shoot and a lil breakfast

4 years ago

Day: 90


I just want some big ol nugs, u know what I mean? 😩 can’t wait til next week to add some more Flower Fuel, I should have started it earlier. What else can I do at this point to maximize yields?

4 years ago

Day: 85


Close ups 📸 “Make sure u get my good side” she said

4 years ago


Herban Which one?! They all good 😅🤤


cannabri @herban 😎😎😎

Day: 82

Baby take a picture, that photo cred 📸

4 years ago

Day: 77


Buds smelling real sweet. It’s going to be raining all week. Had to improvise. Gonna have to keep an eye on it, i just realized the roof may cave in

4 years ago

Day: 70


Got my pistils out, POW POW!

4 years ago