White widow kindsoil
Spring 2020
Two White Widows in 3gal grow bags in Kindsoil topped with CocoLoco. Fed with only water pH’d to ~6.5
White Widow (Fem) by Seedsman
Day 41 (Week 6)
2 updates
5 photos
Day: 41
Looking good, growing strong! WW2 was FIM’d and ended up with 4 tops, WW1 only has the two. Both looking great though, pleased with the growth, never been disappointed with Kindsoil but these are nowhere near the size of the WW I have with nutrients added. Excited to see em when we flip!
5 years ago
Day: 29
Day 29 from sprout, on 18/6. Both topped5 days ago, rear looks like FIM.
5 years ago