Og #3
Jan 18th
Getting pretty tall but hasn’t let leaves out yet
Day 9 (Week 2)
7 updates
7 photos
Day: 9

Still the short one in the group hoping she catches up
4 years ago
Day: 8

Still smallest in the group but definitely looks good
4 years ago
Day: 7

Bending extremely towards light but new light today
4 years ago
GROWNH You can bury that plant right up to it’s 1st set of leaves. That young, whatever you bury will sprout roots and your plant won’t fall over!
Day: 6

Bending towards light needs more light but getting a new one in a couple days
4 years ago
mystrain420 Bring the other one closer if it moves or sit her on a bucket for the time being til the light comes.
Day: 5

Bending towards light still no leaves
4 years ago
Zextor Pop that shell off of her to help her get more light😎
Day: 5

Tallest one so far leaves a little janky
4 years ago
Blakkbud mine started off like that ...wonder why 🤔
bigbuds1986 Lights not strong enough or not close enough
Day: 4

Getting tall just not sprouting leaves yet
4 years ago
jaybob817 Steam is growing to reach sunlight