First Grow from Seed
Test grow #1
First attempt at growing anything from seed. Intention is to grow as organic as possible. No micromanaged fertilizers or pH adjusted water.
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Day 72 (Week 11)
36 updates
128 photos
Day: 72

Potted up to 5G. They should grow to a good size by the time they’re ready to flower. 100% outdoor grow at this point.
4 years ago
Day: 69

Girls growing very well outside. Time to pot up into the garden. 😍 gonna have to find a way to support the colas soon.
4 years ago
Day: 63

Had to move all plants outside. Indoor light seems to be too strong for them to grow in the tent. 1500 watt LED in a 3x3 even at max height is too strong. Would be good for flower though. Vera and Flora sagging and both leaves and stems showing signs of high light intensity.
4 years ago
treborlexx Hello. What nutrients are you giving them?
TheMorrisGardener Grow Girls Grow by Dutch Science
Day: 63

Pics of plants outside. Hopefully some time in natural sun can help them heal and grow again.
4 years ago
Day: 51

LST for Blossom in the back there (pics 5/6). She’s still slow and stunted whereas the others seem to have recovered. Fed Blossom black strap molasses and Grow Girls Grow. We’ll see if she grows more aggressively now that she’s spread and fed. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽
4 years ago
Day: 50

Watered Flora and Vera with molasses and grow girls grow. Blossom still growing slowly but growing. Her pot is still heavy so did not water her. Will give her more time to dry out.
4 years ago
Steven Growsmith Are the leaves that fat because of the strain ? Otherwise might have small nitrogen excess going on maybe. Those are the PHATEST stalks you got great skill
TheMorrisGardener I wish it was skill. I think they’re that big because my 1500 watt light was kept about 22” from the plant (manufacturer stated that was the height for about 600 PAR). Turns out it was far too close and the plants were getting too much light and ended up stunting. Their stems were red a week or two ago. Now they’re green again after moving the light much higher than before. I didn’t consider that the readings were done in a 4x4 tent and I’m growing in a 3x3.
Steven Growsmith Oh man yeah that’s good knowledgeable edge, I’ll never have that problem with my little 418 watt leds lol
Day: 48

Last bit of LST for structure. Now they can grow babies grow. I was able to open up the stunted plant some. The others took to the LST very well. We’ll see how blossom (stunted) does from this point forward. Will likely water Vera and Flora tomorrow as their pots are significantly lighter than Blossom’s.
4 years ago
Day: 46

Recovering from LST nicely. PLANTS ARE GROWING AGAIN! It’ll be a few days - maybe weeks - before they get back to their original growth rate. Will be keeping my light at the maximum tent height from now on. Blossom still doesn’t have enough length to LST her into a proper mainline shape. She’s all bunched together in the back there. She used to be my largest plant… she’s also the only one without an injury to a cola. Hah
4 years ago
📀Golden Ratio 📀 Looks nice 😊
TheMorrisGardener Thanks thanks. It’s been a real learning curve. Didn’t think I’d make so many mistakes on my first grow but I was prepared for this yield to be super low. I think I’ve finally got them on the right track. Time will tell. :)
locker105 Looking healthy man, plants definitely seem to be fully recovered
Day: 45

Completed LST for mainline structure. Vera - the runt - cracked her cola. Small tear. Taped her up and went on our way. Funny how when that happens the second time you barely feel anything at all. It’s clear to me these plants were stunted. Not expecting much anyway.
4 years ago
Day: 44

Final topping for mainline structure. Colas growing really close together which confirms I’ve stunted my plants by having my light too close. It was at 24” from canopy so thought it was good. Raised to maximum height in the tent. Hopefully they stimulate growth again. They have a month and a half left to veg.
4 years ago
Day: 43

Watered + daily LST. Soft ties coming in on Saturday so won’t be much more of this daily LST stuff. Plant with torn cola (Flora) stretching and growing well beyond her peers. I wonder if the damage from the torn cola stimulated her instead of stalling her…? Focused on exposing node 1 growth tips. Node 4 taking a long time to show itself for topping. One more step and I can get out of their way and let them grow.
4 years ago
Hammerhead420 I have a White Widow that I was trying to manifolding her, split her down the middle quite a bit and thought she was a goner for sure or at least hurt to the point she would not produce much. Now I’m in week 4 of flower and she has more bud sites then the 2 plants behind combined.
TheMorrisGardener Yeah I think there’s something to that. Like topping maybe strategically damaging the stem increases production.
Day: 42

Daily LST. Third node growing on all plants. Once fourth node branches I’ll clip it and clean up the mainline leaving only first and third nodes. They’ll be left to grow after that.
4 years ago
Day: 41

LST. 1st node colas growing out nicely. Will clear second node and top off after third node gets some length.
4 years ago
Day: 40

You can see already that there are growth differences on the plant with the torn main. 48 hrs post tear and new mains are almost the same size as the original main. Maybe she can handle some LST if I support the tear. She’s hardened beyond being able to tape her up. I’ll leave as is and see what happens.
4 years ago
Day: 38

Watered and fed with Grow girls Grow. New colas bunching together. Attempted to separate them with some gentle LST. Plant #2 “Flora” - who was growing the most vigorously - ripped her cola slightly. Stopped LST and will leave this plant to grow out quite a bit before I train the branch to grow sideways and make room for the new mains. Expecting half yield from the lightly torn cola. Sad day but a good lesson learned.
4 years ago
Day: 37

Wife accidentally turned off grow light with Alexa. Temp dropped causing the humidity to condense on every surface. Girls didn’t mind it though. Left to dry open. Turned off humidifier and allowed tent to “bake.” Everyone is happy
4 years ago
Day: 35

Ladies bouncing back from initial stress of main lining. No water for a couple days until pot dries out. They’ve been sipping their pot for a couple days now which may mean lock out. Otherwise everything looking good.
4 years ago
Day: 34

Cleared everything below the third node. Plants responding very well to main lining. Now just to keep them alive and train them once their new node has grown out some. Placed a diffuser in the tent to increase some humidity, came back this morning to a foul smell coming from the tent. Base of the plants smell OK and after the tent was left open for a few minutes the smell went away. Perhaps there wasn’t enough air circulation in the tent when the plants went to sleep and all fans were turned off.
4 years ago
Day: 34

Dropped the light 3” so that it’s 18” above the canopy. Plants showing signs of burn…? New spots on Blossom and Vera since diffuser was introduced - very similar to the burn Blossom had when I misted her. Turned off diffuser until I can get a working hygrometer and will reconsider if increasing humidity is the right move for the plants.
4 years ago
Mystrain420 High rh is good during veg is usually good but if u foliar feed/mist u should ph it first.
TheMorrisGardener Thanks for that. I have not been pHing my water at all. They’ll be going outside to flower and they’ll get rain and hose water so I didn’t want them to get too accustomed to a “perfect” environment and then shock when they go out. I raised the light to about 22” which is in the PAR range of 600-650 umol/m2/s
Mystrain420 No problem. Definitely a great idea on the lights. Water and low lights can cause burn if it’s no good airflow.
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Day: 33

Dry watered yesterday (no nutes), started main line at the third node. Left second node for support recovering from the stress. Will clear everything below third node in 48 hours.
4 years ago
Day: 31

Moved the girls to their new home. Just one hour in and they look super happy. Temperature is stabilized at 26° and about 45% RH. Also hit them with some Grow Girls Grow from Dutch Science. This stuff had GREAT reviews and the science looks good. Love the Humate and Kelp additives - don’t have to worry about micro dosing myself. Win.
4 years ago
Day: 30

Last day for ladies before moving to a grow tent. Progress has been slow but now that they will have a more controlled environment I’m looking forward to how quickly they will grow.
4 years ago
Day: 28

Girls seem to be bouncing back now that the light is so close it’s almost touching. I think they were suffering from a light deficiency as the dark green leaves are turning a lighter colour and the downward turned leaves are opening out. New light and tent arriving in 2-3 days. Until then I’ll use Mylar sheets to increase PAR values a little.
4 years ago
Day: 28

Little experiment. Got some Mylar sheets laying around and figured I’d put them to good use until grow tent and new light comes in. I wonder if the plants will approve. 😂
4 years ago
Day: 27

Plants waiting patiently for new grow tent and a stronger grow light. Went a few days with the light hanging too far from the plant due to the change in pot size. Likely stalled until better environment is set up and nutes arrive. A little concerned about the dark green, shiny, curled leaves but soilless mix is supposed to be nute free except for organic fert like worm casings. Girls just need to hang in there until the weekend. Will have a lot of catching up to do.
4 years ago
FiddlerFarms What kind of soil/light you using?
TheMorrisGardener Initially I thought the light I bought would be fine to seed and veg. After some experience and more reading I’ve realized it’s not close to enough. It’s a Monios-L T5 LED 2 FT Full Spectrum, 30w, 260 umol/m2s at 8”. It’s a very weak light probably more suitable for small succulents. I have the soil downstairs and I’ll post a comment with the details soon.
Day: 23

Roots growing our from bottom of pots. Time to transplant 😊. Gave them official names today as well. Grow well ladies, grow well 😁
4 years ago
Mystrain420 Very nice 👍🏾
Day: 20

Plants recovering very well from overwatering.
4 years ago
Day: 19

Plants showing signs of overwatering. Leaves drooping on plants 2 and 3. Gently poked holes near and around the root ball to allow oxygen to the roots. Plants look recovered in the morning. Will leave soil to dry instead of intentionally drying it out.
4 years ago
Day: 18

Plant 1, 2, 3 in order. All plants growing well after moving to the T5 LED on a 16/8 light schedule. Not sure why plant 1 is growing like that. Any thoughts?
4 years ago
TheMorrisGardener Plants sitting in a tray as they’ve just had a drink. I water by pooling water around the plant base and allowing it to wick into the pot.
Day: 17

Rapid progression of lead burn. Expecting to lose these first 2 true leaves. Shame as plant 3 was growing most vigorously.
4 years ago
Day: 16

Plant 3 burn getting worse. Other plants OK. Raised the height of the light to 4” above highest canopy.
4 years ago
Day: 15

Plant 3 spotting. Posted to a forum and learned that misting the plant while the lights are on can burn the plant. Water droplets act as a magnifying glass. As plant 3 was closest to the light its leaves were burned. :(
4 years ago
Day: 14

Lights came in. Placed it about 2” higher than tallest plant. Plants have been under light for 1-2 days at this point and are growing well. Plant 3 most vigorous, plant 1 showing signs of leaf abnormality.
4 years ago
Day: 10

Transplanted to 3x3x4 starting pots. Supported most of the leggy stem by transplanting deep. Purchased a T5 30w full spectrum LED that is en route. Will hang the light close to stop growth and kick start the other plants. Plant 1 was first to sprout, followed by plants 2 and lastly plant 3. Plant 3 seems to be the most vigorous thought plant in is most leggy.
4 years ago
dylan447 These look like mine did on day 10 good luck bro
Day: 9

Seedlings were planted in seedling trays and placed in a solarium. Thought they’d get enough light to kick off but grew very leggy and stalled. Will transplant.
4 years ago