Wreck and a ???
Laurel Grow #1
First grow in new house. Trying our fav twa and a random seed that feel out of its container. Who knows!
Train Wreck Auto and ??? Seed that fell out of one of my seed bags.
Day 118 (Week 17)
10 updates
10 photos
Day: 118
Harvested last week and is currently drying in bags.
4 years ago
Day: 99
Almost done. Last cycle then clearing it.
4 years ago
Day: 86
4 years ago
Day: 62
4 years ago
Day: 55
4 years ago
Day: 48
Looking good!
4 years ago
Day: 40
Finally changing the water. Should sprout up quickly!
4 years ago
Day: 15
Twa going strong the ??? Seed failed to start. Put her in her forever home. Go roots go!
4 years ago
Day: 3
TW shot up over night. ??? Is slowly coming along. Moved them into the tent for better light.
4 years ago
Day: 2
Seeds started in rapid grow pods with a cover and now have them exposed to light...the twa is doing great and the ??? Is...coming along. First day of sprouting out.
4 years ago