

First Grow, BBC and GH

First Grow, 4x4 Tent with LED lights

3 Blueberry Cheese and 1 golden haze. Had start with 6 total feminized seeds and lost two which ended up being perfect because I was hoping to have 4 healthy enough to invest in. Starting by paper towel germination method. Transferred the seeds to a small peat pot once I had my tap roots. I waited until I had roots showing from peat pots before transplanting to 5 gallon fabric pots. Have been using Coast of Main potting soil throughout and very happy. (Seedling starter in peat ports and now stonington blend). Pruned once. I’m not the best with grow lights I must admit, but I have 3 600w led Morsen grow lights in a Vivosun 48x48x82 grow tent. It’s currently set up in the basement and will be moving up to a second floor spare climate controlled room with a vivosun 6inch inline fan with carbon filter exhausted through a window to outside, using passive intake ventilation. Checked our towns water department report, wasn’t super thrilled so water is run through a Brita pitcher filter, and then transferred into jugs where they sit in between watering (which is about every 4 days right now. Added an exhale cO2 bag, don’t know if it’s working or not but I dont mind the extra life growing in the tent! They are loved and named Gina, DeAnne, Ashley and Sherri! 🙂

Blue Berry Cheese Indica and Golden Haze Sativa

Day 27 (Week 4)

1 update

3 photos

Day: 27


Right before the move going upstairs.

3 years ago