
Fourth Grow

Seed to harvest

Auto flowers ILGM

Northern lights , Amnesia

Day 114 (Week 17)


19 updates

46 photos

Day: 114

Long weekend. They call it “trim jail” and after 3 hrs plus per plant it was all worth it. Northern lights yield 4.68 ozs and Amnesia yield was 3.76. Amnesia buds beautiful solid sticky and smells great. Had a few problem controlling my humidity during the drying process.

2 years ago

Day: 105


Harvest day. Getting close. My girls buds very thick and smelly. Tricomes cloudy with some amber. Gotta love when all ur work comes together

2 years ago

dowjonez420 Looking good

Day: 98

Flush today. Tricomes starting to getting no cloudy. Almost harvest time

2 years ago

Day: 93

Flushing with water 6.5ph. Tricomes still clear cloudy

2 years ago

Day: 88


Flush with water 6.5ph. Tricomes still clear and slightly cloudy Temperature at 71 and humidity 50%

2 years ago


trizzle2011 What are you using for a humidifier?

joebruhn A regular humidifier from Amazon. Lower right corner


trizzle2011 How many times do you refill yours? I’m trying to figure out if what I have is worth it. I chew through 4L a day and I’m bout to build a reservoir for it.

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Day: 84

Girls buds are beautiful. Tricomes are clear turning cloudy. Hairs red. Starting flushing. Just water 6.5ph

2 years ago


Gaharvest Awesome job👍🏻👊🏻

Day: 80


About two weeks for harvest. Tricomes r still clear. Will start flushing next week

2 years ago

Day: 76


Girls look beautiful. Cola’s are thick and getting dense

2 years ago

Day: 68

Buds are getting big and sticky. 30 days to go.

2 years ago


TRAGGICC Beautiful stacks 🌲

joebruhn Thanks. 👍🏼

Day: 68


Girls are drinking a gallon every 3 days. Cleaned up foliage. Backed off a few nutrients due to some yellowing. Will see how they look in a few days

2 years ago

Day: 61


My girls are coming along very nicely. Buds are sticky and smell great. 2 months today

2 years ago

Day: 51


Buds are beautiful. Same watering nutrients and watering every 4 days. Buying a new tent. Plants are reaching the top of my 5 foot tent.

2 years ago

Day: 45


Plants in flower. Buds look beautiful. Changed to water PH 6.4 cal-mag, tiger bloom, big bloom, bud candy and flower fuel.

2 years ago

Day: 37


Girls starting to flower. Very healthy and bushy. LST continuing. Watering changes to big loom and tiger bloom. PH 6.5. Cal-Mag 3ml Big Bloom 6ml Tiger Bloom 6ml

2 years ago

Day: 29

Started low stress training. Watering still same. Cal-Mag and Grow big. PH 6.5

2 years ago


Lop3x Looking big !!

Day: 23

Water 6.5ph. 6ml grow big, 3ml cal-mag

2 years ago

Day: 14

Watered both with 6.5 ph and 6ml of grow big.

2 years ago

Day: 7

Moved to 5 gl pots. Mixture 25% black gold 75% fox farm ocean. One bag of perlite.

2 years ago

Day: 3

Germination in water and ready for root plugs.

2 years ago