Strawberry Banana File
Seems to be slower to root. Looks and grows like a sativa (smokes 100% indica, 28-30%thc) long and lanky, big internode spacing. Hard to get over 7-8 tops. Goal is 10 tops per plant to fill all bloom trellis squares.
Strawberr Banana
Day 24 (Week 4)
4 updates
11 photos
Day: 24
Seeing some progress with the leaves coming back from being overwatered. Didn’t adjust the lighting, just really nailing down drybacks 💪🤙. Yesterday I splashed the bigger ones with just enough to last over till this morning when the rest of the set would be ready to water. Almost everything was at 30% weight, maybe 2-3 plants at 35-40% so was able to hit whole room. 90 plants took 45 gallons of water. The lower leaves are all starting to come back, the top leaves probably another couple days of probably irrigation strategy and they should be right as rain.
2 years ago
Day: 22
On 10/9/22 (yesterday) did a foliar spray on strawberry set. Waited an hour till leaves were fully dry before turning lights back on. PAR is 180-230 and DLI at 230 is 19.87 moles. Temps averaging at 75.6 and RH at 56%., leave temp 73-75 degrees. Feeds are at 2.0 EC and 5.7 PH in rock wool. Today 10/10/22, leaves are super puffy. Cubes are still heavy from yesterday’s watering. Will watch leaves as cubes dry back. Hoping they are just a little mad about the watering. I do think their dry back was a bit too much from weekend crew but nothing in wilt on 10/9/22. Noticed plants at lower PAR had better looking leaves. Will leave PAR alone since its already pretty low. If no improvements by next dry back, will lower PAR by 10%.
2 years ago
Day: 6
Officially calling it the crowd surf tech lol. Strawberry is loving the little pat downs to really get the lower branches to shoot up. I think the next set to improve this strain is to hit it with root accelerator on day 8-9 in clones to hopefully create a more even sized set from the beginning. Currently it’s like 1/3 beast, 1/3 average, 1/3 small so if I can dial that in, I think would definitely support a more even canopy.
2 years ago
Day: 4
Because of how tall this plant gets in bloom, the topping strategy is a reduction top to try and keep the hight down, and per Brent, to have the lower 5 branches shoot up from the reduction top, then each branch get topped once, ideally resulting in 10 tops per plant. I don’t think reduction tops, or soft tops for that matter, are going to get you the most amount of tops you can get with this strain. To me, doing a reduction top on day 10-14 is just a loss of about a week I could be working the plants to shoot their lower branches up ASAP to ensure they get up there. I do think reduction tops are necessary for this strain due to its stretch in bloom. What I’m doing with this set is soft bending (no popping, pinching, or snapping) from when the new plants start stretching, up to when they get their first reduction top. Goal is to get an additional week plus of getting the lower branches to already be working on getting up to the top of the plant. THEN the majority of branches should have a chance at being topped once, resulting in a higher top number per plant. Also hoping it slightly slows down their stretch on the ones taking off so they are a closer hight to the plants catching up to them that have not been bent before the majority get their first top.
2 years ago