

My first plant

Summer 2022


Ice cream cake?

Day 221 (Week 32)


29 updates

95 photos

Day: 221

Jarred them on the 15th November, smells amazing and the Oder is getting stronger, think I did good, we’ll see soon

2 years ago


organic_grower Nice work!!

Day: 181


When should I harvest? I think I’m in week 7 of flowering, not to sure, plus the weather is getting colder

2 years ago

totemagoat The trichomes will tell you when it’s time. Something with 40x magnification will get you a good look at them. Mostly clear = too early, mostly cloudy with some turning amber = perfect. In a pinch though, when the hairs turn from white to whatever works fine

totemagoat I’d say you have a few weeks at least


Dpoolig Thanks! The prob is the lows at night here by me are becoming in the mid 40s and in the day mid 60s with sunlight, I got slight mold and bud rot on 1 of my nuggs but cut it out and the rest seem perfect I let it dry and didn’t water for 3 days to see if that could help with rot? Not sure what to do

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Day: 158


Buds are exploding everywhere! To tall to take my normal top picture good now 😂😂, should I remove the small bottom side branches? Last pic is at night, you can really see all the nugs, and that from one side of the plant!

2 years ago

Day: 141

Stretching out!

3 years ago

Day: 131


It’s happening! Plant really exploded over the last week, starting to see flowering, very excited! Smells nice and skunky to 😇

3 years ago

Day: 120

Broke a huge branch somehow, maybe a animal or it’s getting to tall? It seems to be recovering though! Also smelling skunky, is that a good sign?

3 years ago


drdave1 Always a good sign to smell skunk

BostonBudz Your in good shape bro. I snapped 2 stems on 2 diff plants from trying to squeeze my fat ass in to water the plants in the back so 100% my fault but a pick like popsicle stick and rubber band and clear wrap around it I used duck tape and the plant pushed resin in that spot 10 days later both branches were as solid as they get bud I was shocked because I almost chalked it up as a loss lol


Dpoolig Ok that’s great I’m guessing I should wait to start using the flowering fertilizer? Plus I did the lollipop thing and cut a lot of leaves off it’s not bad to do to much is it?

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Day: 107


She’s grown so much in the last 7 days! 42 inches tall now, and with the 2 main branches tied down, very exciting, does it look healthy? And what’s with black streaks on some stems off of the side branches? And have I entered the flowering stage?

3 years ago

Day: 100


Day 100! When is it a good time to stop low stress training?

3 years ago

603grower I would recommend after it stops stretching. 2-3 weeks once it starts to flower. Get your canopy even as possible


Dpoolig Got it! Thanks much appreciated

Day: 93


How am I doing? I thinks she’s beautiful!

3 years ago


ig:@eaegifts She is beautiful 👏🏾👏🏾

Day: 85

Plant went through 3 days of extreme heat, small leaves turning yellow with some tips curling down on lower part. Is it because of the heat? any suggestions?

3 years ago


piperboy007 Yeah just seems like heat stress. Those leaves wont really heal but as long as she doesnt face thoses tempts again or for long, she will grow just fine


Dpoolig Thank you for the info, the yellow small ones kind of just fall off, is it bad to cut them off so they don’t steal energy from the rest of the plant?


piperboy007 No its all good to defoliate dead or dying leaves. Photo periods are quite resilient to most training and stress

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Day: 81


23 inches tall.

3 years ago

Day: 76


Switched over from a 10 gallon to a 25 gallon two days ago, solved the black dot/yellow problem on some leaves, and 19 inches tall, any ideas on why some of my tips seem to look ripped??

3 years ago

Day: 67


Bottom branches are turning back to green ever since I fed the plant some food with proper nutrients, plant is 14 inches tall now, anybody have advice onto when the buds will start to appear???

3 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot If it’s an auto then buds will appear on its own after sometime passes. But If it’s a photoperiod strain, which is the normal/typical type then the plant will not flower until it is given 12 hours of darkness. This is why people’s outdoor plants don’t flower until September. The days of summer become shorter and the nights become longer providing the plant with it’s required 12 hours of darkness to initiate its own flowering phase. We could manipulate a photoperiod plant to flower earlier in the year by a method called “ Light Deprivation”


Dpoolig That’s amazing information, thanks for that info, so should I bring it inside my house to get 12 hours of darkness? And when would be a good time

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot Yeah but remember they say the key is to provide it with complete darkness. So any light will disrupt its transitioning process. They say morning light is better then evening so perhaps bring her in in the evening and then put her back out in the morning. RepeAt, repeat repeat. Just make sure she gets at least 12 hours of darkness then in a couple of weeks you’ll begin to see the plant “ stretching “ this is the beginning of the flowering phase. Look up “ grow Bible PDF” it’s a free book on how to grow.

Day: 62

Growing so much faster since I switched pots! 12 inches tall now 😁

3 years ago

Day: 59

Moved to its new pot finally! But the bottom branches are getting yellow with black dots.

3 years ago


shayden23 Looks like a nitrogen or mag deficiency. 


Dpoolig Should it be ok after a few days with new soil and a bigger pot? Like will the leaves go back to green or should a snip the really bad ones?


shayden23 I wouldn’t transplant before she recovers. When this happens to me I top dress with dry nutrients rich in calcium or mag and then water. Usually takes a few days for the leaves to turn green again. Every plant is different tho. Good luck!

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Day: 56

Plant is getting more yellow! Waiting for my new pot, and soil, am I still good or is it to late to save??

3 years ago

Day: 55

Snipped the top to see if I get more 🍃, that’s what I’ve seen on you tube, did I do it correct? And my plant seems a little yellow but not as much as yesterday, and opinions on why?

3 years ago


Caliban Looking good! Slight yellowing from the bottom to the top is probably Nitrogen deficiency. Worm castings are an excelling source of organic N and P.


Caliban That’s called topping. A common and effective technique. 👍

boysnanax7 Looks correct to me

Day: 52

I tied down the bottom branches to try (“stress training”) made my own system to control tension.

3 years ago

Day: 50


3 years ago

Day: 50

7 inches tall

3 years ago

Day: 46

When is the right time to move to a bigger pot??

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Now it’s when the plants leafs extend beyond the diameter of the pot 🤙🤙


citysf Good lookin. I still remember my first grow like it was only yesterday. How they grow so fast. Cherish the memories.

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Bro @dpoolig this motherfucker Troy is just trying to start shit on your post bro don’t pay him no mind shooo Troy you can go now

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Day: 42


3 years ago

Day: 40


3 years ago

Day: 38


3 years ago

Day: 35

Next day

3 years ago

Day: 34

At this point I decide to move it to its own pot since it was mixed with other plants.

3 years ago

Day: 30

Then 3 days later.

3 years ago

Day: 27

So I kept watering it and was getting a decent amount of light in my yard everyday, about 10 hours.

3 years ago

Day: 19

Started with planting a seed I got from a jar of bud, in my mothers garden and got this.

3 years ago