Gg4 / Hot Rod
First grow 2021
4x6 Apollo grow tent. First time equipment. Just trying.
Gg4 / hot rod
Day 14 (Week 2)
5 updates
21 photos
Day: 14

Water day
3 years ago
Day: 13

I haven’t watered them today because I don’t think they need it. How do they look to you guys? First grow*
3 years ago
Day: 10

Just checked the Pua’s out this morning and they look good to me. I’m just kind of worried about one stem being too long. Any suggestions?
3 years ago
420lowell I’m brand new to this too and maybe have about a one-week head start, so take this with a grain of salt. I wouldn’t worry too much about the stem being too long just yet. One of mine got so tall that it was flopping over (I guess this happens if it didn’t get enough light as a seedling). When I moved it to a bigger pot, I tried the advice I read somewhere and put it lower in the pot so that soil came about halfway up the stem. It seems to have worked fine. Yours doesn’t look too wild, but it’s an easy fix if it becomes a problem.
Day: 10

They’re growing!
3 years ago
Day: 9

Water day. It looks like two leads might have got damaged. Do you know what could be the problem? Please help it’s my first grow.
3 years ago
therealknarles I’m not an expert by any means, but from my experience I don’t see a problem at this point. I make it a point to not get the leaves wet during watering.
loverbudz Thank you!