Ruben Sutherland

Ruben Sutherland

First Indoor in 10 years!!

Simple LED - Organic Cultivation

1 x 200w purple LED + Reflector || 2 x 150W Daylight LED + Reflector


Day 17 (Week 3)

3 updates

14 photos

Day: 17


Just a random update!! Happy toking 😎💯

4 years ago

Day: 15

Transplanted seedlings after germenation

4 years ago


CobraRoseKs Looks really good! I can’t wait till my grow bag shows up. First time growing too!

Ruben Sutherland

Ruben Sutherland Thank you kindly sir, Hope to have a happy & good toke.. We’ve built a massive grow room for blooming.. Will update on progress soon..

Day: 1

Seeds Germerd- Paper Towel & Saucer Method. 8 Hours until stem root popped, transplanted to veg & root.

4 years ago