
Northern Cheese Haze

First Grow 2020

Space bucket build with 300W led UFO light, led white light strip around inside, buildasoil’s potting soil 3.0, live worms, white clover on topsoil, small heater

Mephisto’s Northern Cheese Haze

Day 60 (Week 9)

59 updates

59 photos

Day: 60

Chopping in two days

4 years ago

Day: 59

Watered it for the last time plan on harvesting it on Wednesday

4 years ago

Day: 58

Getting ready to harvest soon

4 years ago

Day: 57

Fan leaves are all drying up should be ready to harvest soon

4 years ago

Day: 56


4 years ago

Day: 55


4 years ago

Day: 54


4 years ago

Day: 53

Buds getting super dense

4 years ago

Day: 52


4 years ago

Day: 51


4 years ago

Day: 50


5 years ago

Day: 49

Smells like straight citrus

5 years ago

Day: 48


5 years ago

Day: 47


5 years ago

Day: 46


5 years ago

Day: 45

Main bud site is getting dense

5 years ago

Day: 44


5 years ago

Day: 43


5 years ago

Rhebs Why do you choose to flower so soon ?

Day: 42

Looking good

5 years ago

Day: 41

Buds are filling in nicely

5 years ago

Day: 40

It’s going

5 years ago

Day: 39


5 years ago

Day: 38

Going good

5 years ago

Day: 37


5 years ago

Day: 36

5 years ago

Day: 35

Spreading out nice and bud sites going good

5 years ago

Day: 34


5 years ago

Day: 33

This bitch stunted like a mf I think cause it took a couple weeks to get parameters consistent but something to improve on for next grow

5 years ago

Day: 32

Flowering good

5 years ago

Bentley0602 Your yield is going to be trash with how small you flowed her!

GottaGrow It’s an flowered itself.

Day: 31

Going good

5 years ago

Day: 30

Nodes are starting to spread out and bud sites are starting to form, still kinda small

5 years ago

Day: 29

Going good

5 years ago

Day: 28

Another droopy night photo, growth has slowed a bit

5 years ago

Day: 27

Looking good, little droopy cause lights off pic

5 years ago

Day: 26

Inner leaves starting to spread out

5 years ago

Day: 25

Going good

5 years ago

Day: 24

Inner leaves are starting to fill in nicely

5 years ago

Day: 23

Growing nicely, looking droopy cause I had the lights off for a few hours before picture

5 years ago

Day: 22

Starting to spread out

5 years ago

Day: 21

Watered today

5 years ago

Day: 20

Looking great, really starting to take off now.

5 years ago

Day: 19

Steadily growing

5 years ago

Day: 18

Seems to be getting taller by the hour, starting to smell a little, smells like pine needles with a hint of weed

5 years ago

Day: 17

Starting to grow up, little bit of burn on the lower leaves not sure why.

5 years ago

Day: 16

Nodes are starting to form and spread out, expecting a burst in height coming soon.

5 years ago

Day: 15

Steadily growing

5 years ago

Day: 14

Original leaves on the sides starting to fade not sure why, but new leaves all look very healthy

5 years ago

Day: 13

Still growing very fast but the leaf on the left has some yellowing but only that one so I’m not sure why that is hopefully doesn’t turn into an issue

5 years ago

Day: 12

Going good

5 years ago

Day: 11

Super happy with the new growths

5 years ago

Day: 10

New leaves are really ramping up the growth now and some of the clovers are starting to sprout

5 years ago

Day: 9

New leaves growing nice but plant still looks a little bit curled

5 years ago

Day: 8

Added red wrigglers to the soil and put leaf litter on top to feed them. Plant seem fine but the leaves are kind of curling in might have accidentally overwatered?

5 years ago

Day: 7

I think it’s doing good so far, added white dwarf clover seeds to grow as my cover/companion crop.

5 years ago

Day: 6

Good growth, removed soil reader after a suggestion

5 years ago

Day: 5

5 years ago

GottaGrow Keep an eye on that soil meter you’re keeping in the dirt. I don’t think those are made to stay in the soil. I was doing the same thing with the same meter and mine rusted up real bad in a week. I think those are for putting in for 10 min to test the soil and then they come out. Not 100% but I no longer keep mine in the soil all the time.

BLZ Will do thank you

Day: 4

First leaves coming in nicely

5 years ago

Day: 3


5 years ago

Day: 1

Just put germinated seed into the soil with a cup as a humidity dome.

5 years ago