Don Malverde

Don Malverde

The Bling by Humboldt Seed Company

Winter 2020

From seed LST

The Bling

Day 112 (Week 16)

11 updates

52 photos

Day: 112


Time for the 🪓. Day 64

4 years ago

Day: 106


Day 58 of 🌻 and getting ready for lights out and then chop… maybe this weekend.

4 years ago

Day: 100


Week 8 Update - Ripening

4 years ago


StephenHawking Awsome 😍🤤 great work

Day: 98

Day 50 of 🌻

4 years ago

Day: 91


Beginning of Week 7 // one week of reduced nutrients and then flushing begins 😊

4 years ago


Mystrain420 Damn, great genetics 👍🏾

Day: 87


Week 6 of 🌻

4 years ago

lala7mac Looking good!

Day: 70

Start of week 3

4 years ago

Day: 63

Help!!! Is this a hermaphrodite? I noticed this on a few colas.

4 years ago


DoJa’sJoint Take em off

Don Malverde

Don Malverde After a few hours of denial... I hit the eject button on both, my only GSC and one of The Bling 😭. I have 4 that have no signs of hermie so 2 vanilla Frost, 1 Bling, and 1 of Don Carlos. Anyone have an idea how long before I should notice it on the others if they are hermies too? Or at this point, I should be ok if no balls? And the others were just hermie from the get go?

Day: 62

End of week 2

4 years ago

Day: 29

Girls @ 2 weeks after transplanted and loving it.

4 years ago

Day: 1

Back middle are these two.

4 years ago