Oregon Jerry-Unknown Strain
Unknown seeds from Neighbor of Dad
Documenting 2 of 4 seedlings. Outdoor grow. Orange County, CA. Germinated 3/1/21. Soil Mix: coco and perlite, worm castings, Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mix. Foop Organics for nuts. 1 teaspoon mycorrhizae every 21 days. 1 teaspoon molasses every third watering during flowering stage.
Day 15 (Week 3)
3 updates
3 photos
Day: 15

Weather continues to be cool, but beginning to feel spring time. First day in the 70s. Overall health satisfactory. 4 of 4 look as good or better. Lightly watering with minimal nuts daily. Will flush Sunday and skip watering Monday. Enter stage 2 of seedling phase with nuts next week.
4 years ago
Day: 15

2of 4
4 years ago
Day: 8

This is some unknown strain that I got from a neighbor friend of my dads in Oregon. I started this last weekend along with three other seedlings at the same time. I’ll be documenting it every few days. My first time grow! All outdoors. Located in OC, CA. Weather has been cool this month (60s day, 50s night) so I bring the plants indoors after sunset (72 F at all times inside). Looking forward to spring time warmth and humidity to set these off! Hoping at least 2 of the 4 are fems to keep.
4 years ago