

Grow #2

Outside veg Inside flower

Bought these clones from local grow shop for 25$ a piece back in may. They’ve went through hell outside between the two Dalmatian pups we bought that like to kill all my plants and the flies that are attracted to their poop ate them alive and didn’t care at all about the excessive amounts of neem oil I sprayed on them. I didn’t know if they’d really amount to much but I was able to get them back in good shape right when my 1st grow was coming to an end. Moved them inside Monday. No signs of any outside pests that came along so far.

Purple Hindu Kush, 13 Dawgs

Day 115 (Week 17)



5 updates

11 photos

Day: 115


Usually don’t like pics with the blurp lights but this one isn’t too bad

3 years ago

Day: 113


Really starting to pack it on. Not having to water as much as I thought but I’m attributing that to the 7 gallon pots that I used this time compared to the 3 gallon pots I used first grow

3 years ago

Day: 98


I’m pretty sure there moving out of week 3 and into week 4 as the pistils are starting to form and they’ve stopped cannabilizing lower growth for nitrogen. Did last major defoliation and these girls are on coast for the next 6 weeks. Got flower fuel yesterday to start feeding them their flower nutes but I’d already been giving them small amounts with incredibulk but I ran out of that so got some new stuff to try out

3 years ago

Day: 95


These girls are gonna give me a lot of bud. 6-7 weeks left

3 years ago

Day: 88


Vegged outside from first week of May until I moved them inside the 5x5 this past Monday

3 years ago

ludaboi23 What are the nets for?


dober151 Scrog net. Scrog stands for screen of green. The net pushes the canopy down as it grows and forces plant to grow an even canopy like a nice clean hedge. When combined with topping it can be used to maximize yields. Also the net helps support the weight of the buds so the stems don’t break

ludaboi23 Ok thank you going to have to try that

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