Gorilla Banana

Início flora sábado 24/06/23

Germinado 12/04 - Estufa 18/04 Led - veg 55w; flora 120w Vaso final - 25L Tenda - 60x60x140

🦍🍌 Indica dominante 60%

Day 134 (Week 20)



44 updates

114 photos

Day: 134



2 years ago

Day: 132


10ª semana So I forgot to water it for 5 days. Then I started to flush, but decided to keep for 1 more week. Im trying to see if it changes the colors. Will start to flush again in 2 days then chopp it. The tricomes was more translucent/milk then just milk 2 days ago

2 years ago

Day: 123


Início 9ªs 🌦️ 26/14°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿800 ml 🧪x ppm 🏺800 ml Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 3+3 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy x ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud x ml Overdrive 2 ml

2 years ago

Day: 118


8ª semana 59 dias 🌦️ 26/14°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿800 ml 🧪x ppm 🏺800 ml Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 3+3 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy 1 ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud x ml Overdrive 2 ml

2 years ago

Day: 114


55 dias 🌦️ 29/15°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿800 ml 🧪x ppm 🏺1500 ml Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 6+6 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy x ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 1 ml Overdrive 2 ml

2 years ago

Day: 111


52 dias 🌦️ 25/16°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿800 ml 🧪x ppm 🏺1500 ml Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 6+6 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy x ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 1 ml Overdrive 2 ml

2 years ago

Day: 109


49 dias Início 7 semana 🌦️ 29/12°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿600 ml 🧪x ppm 🏺1500 ml Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 6+6 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy x ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud x ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago

Day: 104


🌦️ 25/12°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿600 ml 🧪x ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 3 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy 1 ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 2 ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago

Day: 102


Início 6ª s. x °C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿500 ml 🧪x ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 2 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy 1 ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 2 ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago

Day: 101



2 years ago

Day: 101


Girada 180° x °C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿x ml 🧪x ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom x ml B52 x ml Bud Candy x ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud x ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago

Day: 97


Dia 30 flora 🌦️ 27/11°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 80% 💧⛺️ 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 46% 💧🏠 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 26,5°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 20,2°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 x°C 🚿500 ml 🧪1400 ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 3x3 ml B52 x ml Bud Candy x ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 2 ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago


Drizz I see the growth, 👍 nice.

Day: 95


Início 5ªS. Dia 28 flora Desfolhação 🌦️ 25/12°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 💧⛺️ 🌑 56% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 💧🏠 🌑 47% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌡️⛺️ 🌑 25,4°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌑 23°C 🚿500 ml 🧪960 ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 2 ml B52 0,5 ml Bud Candy 1 ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 2 ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago


Drizz Nicely done👍


Drizz Alfa, nice work for real🔥🔥🔥👍


ALFA She’s beautiful ins’t she!? This time i nailed it. Hope she puts some weight and volume

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Day: 92


25 dias de flora; faltam 31~45 dias 🌦️ 25/13°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 64% 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 54% 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 26°C 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 19°C 🌑 x°C 🚿500 ml 🧪1200 ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 2 ml B52 1 ml Bud Candy 1 ml Bud Ignitor x ml Big Bud 2 ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago

purpleYeti Does that net acutely work or is it a preference thing


ALFA It’s a game changing. It make possible for the plant take light better distributed. Basically it’s to build a flat canopy so less buds be cover by shadow. It helps with mold to since the space is evenly distributed and the wind can circulate

purpleYeti Man thanks for sharing, I love learning more! Appreciate your advice

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Day: 86


19 dias de flora 🌦️ 26/15°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 x% 🌑 x% 💧🏠 🌕 x% 🌑 x% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 x°C 🌑 x°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 x°C 🌑 x°C 🚿500 ml 🧪1200 ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 2x2ml B52 x ml Bud Candy 1 ml Bud Ignitor 1,5 ml Big Bud 2 ml Overdrive x ml

2 years ago

Day: 83


🌦️ 28/14°C max/min 💧⛺️ 🌕 82% 🌑 93% 💧🏠 🌕 60% 🌑 58% 🌡️⛺️ 🌕 26,4°C 🌑 22,9°C 🌡️🏠 🌕 20,4°C 🌑 23°C 🚿500 ml 🧪1149 ppm Sensigrow x ml Sensibloom 2x2ml B52 0,5 ml CB 1 ml BI 1 ml BB 2 ml OD x ml

2 years ago

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof What kind of foliar make do u have


ALFA I haven’t used any foliar nuts. Just neem oil recently cuz of some tiny white bugs

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof Impressive grow net 👍

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Day: 82


Início 3ª semana Não aguei 💦 x ml 🌰 x ppm 🌡️🌦️ 22/16°C max/min 🌡️⛺️ 27,5°C max/min 🌡️🏠 21 °C max/min 💧⛺️84% 💧🏠60%

2 years ago

Day: 79


💦🌰 800ml Sensibloom 4mlA+B B52 1 ml Budcandy 2ml Bud ignitor 3ml

2 years ago

Day: 78


💦🌰 1000ml Sensibloom 4mlA+B B52 1 ml Budcandy 2ml Bud ignitor 3ml Ppm ~ 1059

2 years ago

Day: 76


💦🌰 800ml Sensibloom 2mlA+B B52 1 ml Budcandy 0,5ml Bud ignitor 1,5ml Ppm ~

2 years ago

LeChron James

LeChron James That’s a great setup. I use similar nutes but add sensizyme

LeChron James

LeChron James I also add a different Mg supplement b/c bud factor x is shady


ALFA I think the only source of magnesium i have is the Budcandy. I wanna try piranha and tarantula too, but here in brazil don’t sell those, including sensizyme and bud factor. Maybe gone change to general hydroponics

Day: 68


💦🌰 800ml Sensibloom 2mlA+B B52 1 ml Budcandy 0,5ml Bud ignitor 1,5ml Ppm ~ 980

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts 👍🏾👍🏾

Day: 67


Modifiquei o scrog pra segurar melhor Início 12/12h Início flora 1º semana

2 years ago

Day: 64

💦🌰 + mudas

2 years ago


Drizz Nice set up with scrog🔥👍


ALFA It's beautiful isn't it!? I'm very proud of myself hahahah

Day: 60

Finally moved! New life new home. Enfim scrog will take some cuttings tomorrow 🔥🎊🎉🤩

2 years ago


organic_grower Why do you have a honey bee in your grow?


ALFA She was drowning. So i put her in the tent to dry off

Day: 59

💦 + 🌰

2 years ago

Day: 54


Desfolhamento, lst, agua e nuts

2 years ago

Day: 50

Agua + nut + 180° Fim 7ª início 8ª

2 years ago

Day: 46


Agua + nuts. Girei 180°

2 years ago

Day: 45

Eu acho q estava queimando elas com o Led mto próximo

2 years ago


As_Farms68🔥☠️ Bonitas🌱☠️🔥

Day: 42

Ag + nuts Girei 180° Fim 6ª semana - início 7ª

2 years ago

Day: 40



2 years ago

Day: 38

Troquei os grampos do lst

2 years ago


Stephsgarden Yup she definitely look better But maybe you putting to much nutrients that’s why is changing colors


ALFA I took those pic when I sprayed her with water and (rooters?) nut for the roots


ALFA For veg I’m using organic nut. It’s a brand for brasil, i think. Flowermind, it says the is impossible to overfert. But, i had put bud ignitor (1ml). I did that with the ghost, 2 weeks before going to flowering. It definitely may be a miss understanding, but i had noticed a bigger grow of the axil’s branches. They popped up

Day: 35


Água + nuts. (Apliquei 1 ml de bud ignitor como experimento. Aparentemente deu um impulso nos ramos laterais. - 26/05/23)

2 years ago


Stephsgarden She is a little sad


ALFA Just had sprained water when I took the photo


ALFA I like the she shines

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Day: 32


Topping ramos laterais + lst Fim da 5ª, início da 6ª

2 years ago

Day: 30



2 years ago


Drizz Nice lst👍

Day: 27


Girei 180° Final 4ª semana

2 years ago

rjnotez Looks very pretty


ALFA She’s growing great. Good gens

Day: 22

Transplantei hoje para um vaso de feltro de 25L. Esqueci de tirar foto

2 years ago

Day: 19


Agua + farinha de alga + substância humica + tricoderma e bacilos

2 years ago

Day: 13


2 years ago

Day: 12


2 years ago

Day: 10


2 years ago

Day: 8

Segundo par de folhas. Plantinha crescendo rápido e forte

2 years ago


Drizz 👍

Day: 4


2 years ago

Day: 0


2 years ago