

Triple Burger

Skunkhouse Genetics

Four plants.


Day 49 (Week 7)



10 updates

10 photos

Day: 49


Added week 2 feed at half and raised light to 5.

a day ago

Day: 41


Day 1 of flower.

9 days ago

Day: 40

Same picture as last week. Flower schedule begins early darkness tomorrow am. Changed water to week 1 flower at half. 12ml silica. 16ml calmag. 2 table spoons epaom salt.

10 days ago

Day: 36

Saw rust spots on all plants and added 10ml of calmer to the 5gal res. Ph 5.7

15 days ago

Day: 35

Had an autopsy clog this week and balanced ph to 5.5. Ppm is 950ish.

15 days ago

Day: 29

Scrogged and still waiting on changes with the purple stripes.

21 days ago


seriousjamie Purple stripes? In the stems you mean?

Day: 28

Adding food a day early. Week 4 at half with silica and calmag. Ppm is 940 and ph is 5.5 going into the resovoir.

23 days ago

Pottimus Ppm should go down a bit and ph a little up no?

Day: 22

Starting week 3 with 1/4 GH nutes and base silica and calmag at 5.5. Ppfd is 280-300

a month ago


tracch Removed high PH water. Added 4 gallons with 10ml calmag and 1/2 dose of week 3 feed. 780ppm and 5.5ph.

Day: 17

Week 2 - Autopots turned on 8-17 with GH nutes at 1/4. Base amount of silica and calmag per gal. PH 5.5

a month ago

Day: 1

4 triple burger clones transplanted. HP pro mix and GH bites at half, hand fed.

2 months ago