
Strawberry Tahoe

(Bag Seed) Germ. Experiment 1

This is an attempt to germinate an unknown maturity Strawberry Tahoe seed found inside one bud from a half pound bag of strawberry Tahoe received from Sokowoski (California Grow Girl).

Strawberry Tahoe (Sokowoski Bag Seed)

Day 5 (Week 1)

2 updates

2 photos

Day: 5

Seeds dropped in soil on 10/23, photo taken 10/25 (12:25pm). Cups placed in the perimeter light of the HPS light (@50%)

6 years ago

Day: 0

Soil blend is soaking in PH’d (6.8) OKC Municipal water. Use of a hose-end carbon filter to remove as much Chlorine/Chlorimide as possible. Seed placed in solo-shot cup, pressed into dry soil - to insulate in the event of random cold weather. Seed initially floating in cups. Inspection after 1.5hrs, it sank.

6 years ago