

Gorilla Bomb

Winter 2021 - February start

5 gallon pot with organic living soil amended with a 4-4-4 organic slow release, worm castings, and presoaked orbees

Gorilla Bomb - Bomb Seeds

Day 119 (Week 17)

15 updates

31 photos

Day: 119


Watered in some Dr Earth bud and bloom.

4 years ago


combatmedic81 U got something going on with those fan leaves. Do you check water ph?


latalbo I don’t ph my water since I grow organic. She was pretty low on nutrients which is why I added some this go around. I have this problem when I forget that a plant vegged for a super long time and they need an extra feeding than I normally give when I’m on my standard schedule. I had two photo periods that had 12 week flowering periods instead of the 8 weeks I usually plan for and it threw the whole rotation off.


latalbo Something was wrong. It was the beginnings of a spider mite infestation. I hadn’t run into that before so it took a while to recognize. 😔 I’m treating for it now.

Day: 105


Did some under skirt clean up.

4 years ago

Day: 101


She’s an absolute beast.

4 years ago

Day: 92

Stretching nicely

4 years ago

Day: 82

Flipped to 12/12

4 years ago

Day: 56

Turning into a beast

4 years ago

Day: 47

Potted her up today. Growing well.

4 years ago


Mr.BlueGrow So you’re using metal hooks on a cannabis plant you know you’re hurting her right you supposed to use vegetable wire my iron hooks 🪝 


Mr.BlueGrow Not iron hooks


godsgrower316 Get you some plant wire is covered in a rubber to protect your plants and it wound restrict her grow because of healing

View 26 additional comments

Day: 31

Potted her up and topped today. I would have preferred to go straight to her final pot but I ran out of fabric pots.

4 years ago

Day: 24

It’s going to be time to pot her up soon

4 years ago

Day: 19

Moving along nicely

4 years ago

Day: 14

Moved her to the next size pot. Her roots were looking lovely.

4 years ago

Day: 10

I don’t like the look of that leaf curl.

4 years ago

Day: 6

Looking good

4 years ago

Day: 3

Her pot fell over so she reached up sideways. 🤦🏻‍♀️

4 years ago

Day: 2

Put in soil.

4 years ago