Agent Orange and Green Crack
Summer 22
1 agent orange and 1 green crack flowering in a 3x3 with a marshyrdro fc4000
AO and GC from CKS
Day 54 (Week 8)
9 updates
32 photos
Day: 47
Start of week 8! Trichomes are almost ready maybe 1 more week!
2 years ago
Day: 43
Middle of week 7 and started flushing. You can really see the colors coming out on the green crack strain. The agent Orange on the left is a little behind but still looking good!
2 years ago
Caliban Is this an organic soil grow?
Day: 36
Middle of week 6. The girls are starting fade still feeding pretty heavy after week 7 I’ll start to cut back and start their flush. The tent smells crazy! Super funky. Really hoping they pack on a little more weight before the chop
2 years ago
Day: 28
Start of week 5. These ladies are hungry! I’ve been going off the feed chart on my nutes and and they are still showing nitrogen issues. I’m gonna give the soil a good flush then up the nutes! Overall still happy!
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Very possible you have a lockout, the flush should help but you should check runoff ph to be sure it’s good before increasing feed strength.
Day: 19
Start of week 4! I’ve been rotating water/ water with liquid seaweed/ nutrient feeding and the plants are loving it! Some under growth turning yellow and dying off so I’ll jump up to the ripening feed ratios after this week. Still continuing to increase my light percentage little by little. Starting to see some trichome production too! Temps are around 76 and 55% rh
2 years ago
Day: 15
Start of week 3 for this flower run. Everything looking happy and healthy. Slowly bringing the nutes in and they seem to be happy. The trellis has helped with the stretch too!
2 years ago
Day: 10
Start of week 2 of flower. Started transitioning nutes to bloom and pistols are popping everywhere! Starting to stretch but not too bad.
2 years ago
Day: 1
Have had these veging for a while and just flipped the lights to 12/12. Added a trellis to keep the stretch down I’m already starting to see pistols.
3 years ago