
My first plant

Spring 2024

This is my first plant that im documenting if you got any tips for me please let me know i just started growing not to long ago pretty new to this

Not to sure

Day 36 (Week 6)


2 updates

2 photos

Day: 36

Is the way my plant looks normal ?

3 months ago


donquinto If this is day 35 I think you’re lacking some light! How does your grow-setup look? Any climate props etc?


donquinto If you have any questions about what might be wrong hit me up on discord, donquinto !

newgrower05 Honestly im not sure if it is day 36 or not but i just guessed and i have one of the most basic setups just a lamp over a plant lmaoo

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Day: 30

Any tips lmao

3 months ago


DublinABDL What light are you using? Is it a photo or auto? Either way, it doesn’t look like a 35 day old plant..

newgrower05 CD im using a 100 watt light at the moment and i was just guessing im not really sure how old dose it look to you

Patty Black

Patty Black She looks around 16 days old or so. Where did you get this plant?

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