

First time growing

All advice please

3 criticle purples,1 OG kush

Criticle purple

Day 62 (Week 9)

26 updates

29 photos

Day: 62

Flowering in process

3 years ago

285Grows How are the buds so huge lmao that's what she said damn brother nice job ! What have you been feeding

Day: 60


3 years ago


wheresjerry 👍🏻

Day: 60

Ladies coming along nice

3 years ago

Day: 60

Can any one tell me what this might be?

3 years ago


steezykayla How often are you feeding cal mag?


firsttimegrowrr702 Once a week or whenever I see cal mag deficiencies

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Day: 56

Just a deformed leaf or is something wrong

3 years ago


SinSemillaWhisperer420 Nothing wrong if it’s just that one leaf. Looks good to me

Peng Did it receive a knock when it was forming? I have a bit of leaf that’s grown like that because my hat fell on it.


firsttimegrowrr702 I dropped it on its head when it was a baby so yea maybe lol. I had it in a red cup and it fell over it was on the floor and tipped over so yea lol

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Day: 52

Started July 30th she’s looking and growing stronger just watered her right now💯

3 years ago

Day: 49

Ladies starting to take off

3 years ago

Day: 49

Is this a pollen sac?????? First time growing

3 years ago


Blues_Buds Nope. Just a nice fat calyx. Looking good 😍

Peng I’ve thought similar on my first grow, thought it was making a seed in there, but nope. Save all those individual ones when you trim & smoke them, mine have been potent as fuck, it’s a nice little treat. 👌🏻

Day: 48

Is it normal for the leafs to look more yellower/greener?

3 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot Yes my friend. Very normal for a plant getting close to flowering. Remember that nitrogen is for new growth, p and k will help your plant structure and flower. Also keep in mind that nitrogen should be higher in the veggg stage opposed to when you’re getting ready to enter flower. You’re plant is hungry. I notice she’s in a tent. When are you going to flower her? .. If she’s not started already


firsttimegrowrr702 Two days in to flowering and I use fox farm and just got some Cal -Mag and fed it to her is there something more I should add ?


firsttimegrowrr702 What’s p and k? Potassium

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Day: 45

Any advise? Hasn’t grown much stems turning purple

3 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot Looks like she’s receiving too much water based off of the heavy/saggy looking leaves . Do you give her a dry period for any amount of time?


firsttimegrowrr702 Yea I give her 4 days

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot How about the quantity of the water when you do water? And how many gallons is the pot?

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Day: 42


4 years ago

Day: 42

Think I might of cut to many leafs off😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ first time growing

3 years ago


combatmedic81 When are you flipping to flower?


firsttimegrowrr702 6-8 weeks hopefully


firsttimegrowrr702 Because I started my nuts at 4 weeks late no one told me I had to do it the whole time so I have to make it build up

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Day: 42

I did low stress training and it started to do this should I give it anything or just stop low stress training and let it recover

3 years ago

Peng The colouration? I don’t think that’s from the training


growin4thepham Yea that's prob a ph issue.

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Day: 35

Does any one know when I should start my vegetation stage?

4 years ago

ScarletV You mean flower?

Mari J Grower

Mari J Grower You can start flower IMO anytime after 12” tall


SpacemanGrows If it’s up to the plant, once it begins to show pistols, or preflowers. If up to you, once it is 1/3 the size you want it to finish at.

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Day: 29

Can some one tell me why my plants look like this

3 years ago

Day: 28

Am I over watering or under watering

4 years ago


BlazedPapi420 Over watering is when the leaves droop but feel like they still full of life . Under watering is when they droop and feel brittle or dead if I’m correct Looks good to me though how often are you watering?


firsttimegrowrr702 Watering every 3-4 days /soil dry and leafs start to droop


BlazedPapi420 That’s good you using any nutes? What’s your ph? I can see what looks kinda like nute burn on the leaf on the right

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Day: 28

Clone in the middle ,fruity pebbles,OG kush, critical purple 😅

4 years ago

Day: 23

Ladies Chillin

4 years ago

Day: 19

Day 19,20,17 looking very good after transplant clone looks like it might be dying🤦🏽‍♂️(middle pot)

4 years ago


Janixbis Looking good! I see 702 he’ll ya bro me to! Just downloaded this app I’ll be posted pics as soon as my lights kick up @ 930

Day: 15

Transplanted these beautiful ladies

4 years ago


firsttimegrowrr702 Thank you much appreciated and needed !

Day: 15

Can some one tell me what this might be ? I might of accidentally left sprayed water or it could be fungus accidentally sprinkled on when I used grey white mycorrhizae for transplant which could it possibly be?

4 years ago

Day: 15

Is it normal for the stem to be green already at 15 days? And is there a reason why my leaf should be touching the lower one?

4 years ago


6tree0 The leaves wilt when you water them. They’ll stand back up in a few hours. Just give her a few days between watering. When my ladies are that small I go about 3-5 days between waterings.

Day: 14

Should i transplant these ladies?

4 years ago


heizenberg Yep. Give those roots a sprinkle of Great White if you’ve got any. They’re ready 100% when the roots are at the sides or bottom.

Day: 13

Does this plant look healthy?

4 years ago


ueono Not really.. too high degrees


heizenberg They might be too hot with too much water. Are your cups draining well? They’re so small at this stage I try to be as hands off as possible. Make sure they have excellent aide circulation and it’s below 80°F. Watering was tricky for me. I like to wait until the roots are well established and they’re drinking well before really soaking the grow medium. That said, most here have better advice and I’m always interested to read another response or take on a hurdle. Good luck 🍀👍


firsttimegrowrr702 How high should a 300 watt bloom plus light be? It said 30 inches and it is for seeling stage and i water maybe every 3 days

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Day: 12

Does any one know what this could be?

4 years ago


Jackaler357 I saw a YouTube video and the dude was using some kind of uvc light to kill some kind of fungus that looked a lot like that but I personally haven’t the foggiest... on my first grow myself


Jackaler357 Sorry I tried to find in my history... no luck! Good luck

Day: 10

First time growing all female plants

4 years ago


NV_Bubblegrow Looks like a great start!