

The Secret Gardens

Medical 2023

5x5 with Mars Hydro FC-E6500, flora flex 3gal pot pro drainage, Athena pro, AC-infinity 69 pro

Geisha Breath, The Sweets, Rainbow Sugar

Day 6 (Week 1)

5 updates

10 photos

Day: 6


a year ago

Day: 4

I made a shield for my sensor and moved my driver to outside of the tent. Doesn’t seem like it a huge temp difference but looks cleaner inside at least. finally got around to programming the irrigation timer. For right now it starts an hour after lights on for 10 seconds and repeats every hour until 4pm. I brought the media up to field capacity just before lights off. I’ll check on it when I wake up in the morning and monitor a few irrigation events. The Intent is to slowly build up the ec over the course of the morning and begin to run off towards the 8th-9th watering around 3-4pm. Then I’ll set maintenance shots as needed till lights off. My initial gut feeling is that 10 seconds may be too long.

a year ago

Day: 3

Fist seedlings are popping. Geisha Breath #1 was the winner followed by Rainbow Sugar #3 in second place. I see the sweets #2 is a tentative 3rd. Seedling nutes: Ph 5.9 Athena pro core,grow,cleanse EC .66 333ppm (i’m still a noob so if anyone spots errors please lmk)

a year ago

vile_plumes First error: using Athena.


zer0applied Let people use what works for them.

Day: 1

Transferred the first couple seedlings that popped.

a year ago

Day: 0


Started seeds, geisha breath, rainbow sugar, the sweets

a year ago