First Grow
March Grow
Have 2 White Widow Auto plants growing. Got 11 seeds from seedsman but testing out 2 for my first try. Started Germination March 21st. Seeds germinated and put into 5 gallon pots on March 25th…. March 28th we have some sprouts!!
White Widow
Day 128 (Week 19)
30 updates
38 photos
Day: 128
OMGGG I AM FINALLY DONEEEEEE WITH MY VERY FIRST GROW!!!! 😭 Well almost 😅. Now to dry & cure .. Hope this part goes well cause 🥴. Lol
2 years ago
Day: 117
Ughhhh I just want it to be over already 😭🤣 How would I tell when it’s actually ready to harvest?? What are the signs??
2 years ago
Day: 103
Buds are brown now… how long until I can harvest?? 😩🥴 it’s been a LONGGG 103 days !! 🤣
2 years ago
Day: 92
I can’t believe I’ve made it this far 😩😍😍🤗
2 years ago
Day: 79
79 days in of naturally letting it grow with the flow and here we are!! 😍😍
3 years ago
Day: 71
Day 71 of my first natural grow of letting it flow, Slowly flowering 🪴, watered the girls today w/ fox farm tiger bloom fertilizer, they was pretty thirsty 😰 didn’t water them for a while due to working a lot, had to lift the light to the very top of the tent cause of the reach & growth .. + cut off some dying leaves & stems towards the bottom. Can’t wait til it’s all done 😩 lol
3 years ago
Day: 63
Noticed some flowering at 41 days .. now at 63 days this is what we got
3 years ago
Day: 61
While on my way to water my girls I had a lot of dying leaves at the bottom of one of the plants… 😩 I removed them but I’m pretty sure it may have to do with them not getting enough light, but I moved my fan from the top of the tent to the bottom. Hopefully that helps 😭
3 years ago
El Nass Is my first run too but i think the fan is better on the top cuz leaves in this way is moving and let the light penetrate more.
El Nass Leavs on the top i mean
grindhard508 Cannabis like it’s name refers to cannibal. The plant will kill anything it doesn’t need. I wouldn’t worry If it was only the bottom fans. You’ll notice they chuck off lower leafs on their own especially the ones in the dark areas. Now If it starts happening at the top or the middle. You got some work to do.
Day: 59
Starting to flip them into flower. Lights 12 hrs on & 12 hrs off . 🪴
3 years ago
bonojohnson WoW your killing it congratulations on the beautiful first grow welcome to the most addicting thing I’ve ever done
BontanicalGirl Thank you!! I’m still a little nervous hoping I make it to harvest lol
Day: 52
It’s a jungle in there 🤪
3 years ago
Day: 45
Well… for my very first grow, I’ve finally decided to just let nature take its course and do it’s job. Want to see where it’ll take me. I was on a 24 hr light schedule in the beginning, but once I turned it off during the night the bigger plant started to flower at the top! She’s also starting to have a slight smell now 😌 Going to continue the light schedule & raise the light up higher.
3 years ago
organic_grower Your plants look very happy and healthy. Nice work👍
BontanicalGirl Thank you!!
stick e fingerz Amazing
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Day: 42
Looks like one of my girls are trying to flower already at the top 😩 is it too early!?
3 years ago
dstew0626 If she’s an auto flower you’re right on schedule!👍🏾 looking healthy!
BontanicalGirl Great! & yes she is! Thank you!
Danny Bravo Ya some are super quick! I think mine started to flower at day 31ish
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Day: 41
To top or not to top 😩 I just don’t want to mess anything up.
3 years ago
kaijuGrows If you still got at least 4 weeks before you flower I would. Just opinions of course
Caliban Sure you can top the main cola if it is photoperiod. Also consider LST.
HammertimeAZ Top it somewhere between the 5th and 7th nodes. You really can’t screw things up unless you do an Edward Scissorhands on it. Make sure your utensils are clean and try it…you’ll like it.
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Day: 40
Don’t mind my other plants .. but sheesh they grow bigger everyday 🍃❤️
3 years ago
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Your girls are looking very healthy. Great work!
BontanicalGirl Thank you!!
stick e fingerz 🙌👍🤙🔥
Day: 38
My girls are sooo freaking PRETTY 🤩🥰
3 years ago
Day: 36
For my first grow I am so proud lol 😍
3 years ago
combatmedic81 Those two looking good
organic_grower You should be proud! Everything looks awesome 👍
RodneyRN Healthy looking plants 🌱
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Day: 33
Might have some monsters on my hands 😭 they’re growing so damn fast 💨
3 years ago
BINAII Jeeeeezzzz!!!! They look soooo different. They look strong…..healthy. What did you do differently?
BINAII I wouldn’t top them. Bend them over and do a bit of leaf tucking to expose the lower shoots to that light.
stick e fingerz Wow 🤩
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Day: 30
Officially one month since germination!!
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Looking good 👍
BontanicalGirl Thank you!!
TRAGGICC Are these the same lady’s you was having problems with a few days ago?
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Day: 28
They’re recovering pretty well. Gave them some fertilizer from fox farm. Purchased some cal mag & a ph kit .. let’s see how this goesss … 🤞🏽
3 years ago
Day: 27
My girls look a little better today … they’re still growing even though some of their leaves are sad. Going to let them dry out a bit & purchase a PH kit ❤️🔥 Thanks for all of the advice guys!!
3 years ago
Day: 25
BOTH plants are sad AF !! 😭😭😭 someone peaked into my tent last night and didn’t zip it up all the way and I believe a lot of air got in😭😭 I gotta get some nutrients like ASAP‼️ ughhhh
3 years ago
TRAGGICC Yeah you need nutes asap ..
TRAGGICC Have you looked into which company you’d like to go with.
BontanicalGirl I think I want to stick with Fox Farm since I am using the soil. The grow big fox farm nutrient is what I’m shooting for 😭
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Day: 24
Everyday she looks even better ❤️🔥
3 years ago
DeniGrowHouse Nice!!
TRAGGICC You should look into topping. You’ll create more mainliners maximizing your yield. Happy growing 😶🌫️🌱
BontanicalGirl Thanks! I’ll look that up on YouTube! I’m a beginner and honestly have no clue what I am doing lol
Day: 24
Here’s Both plants .. the one on the right sprouted first .. so she’s a little bigger
3 years ago
Day: 24
HELP!! Should I trim these off!? They have yellow spots 🥺 idk why.
3 years ago
TRAGGICC No don’t cut off. Keep an eye on them and see if it spreads first. It looks like sulfur deficiency.
stick e fingerz I would t worry about anything with those lower leaves keep an eye on the rest see if it spreads like my dude just said great advice 👍👍
BontanicalGirl Thanks guys! What should I get for sulfur deficiency!? I am all new to this!
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Day: 21
Got a new grow light and she’s been growing like CRAZY!! ❤️🔥
3 years ago
Day: 20
Babygirl is looking amazing ❤️🔥
3 years ago
Day: 12
She’s getting tall 😍
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Congrats may want to lower the light to reduce the stretch
BontanicalGirl Thank you for the heads up! I figured something was off since it’s getting taller but the leaves are still small.
Day: 8
So excited to finally see it grow! 😍
3 years ago
Day: 7
It’s sprouting!!
3 years ago