Bag seed
Trial grow
1 out of 6 bag seeds sprouted. Going to try to keep it going
Day 105 (Week 15)
23 updates
42 photos
Day: 105

I’m thinking about attempting to put into flowering
5 years ago
Day: 85

It’s still alive so I must be doing something right but I dont know
5 years ago
Day: 63

Still 24 hour cycle adding water and nutrients when soil dries. I don’t know if it’s getting better or just growing fan leaves
5 years ago
Day: 60

I gave up on it and it seems to be coming back so we’ll see lol
5 years ago
Day: 34

I started nutrients at a 16 to 1 ratio the leaves are still starting to yellow
5 years ago
Day: 31

Started LST and with next water I will start fertilizing because my nitrogen is low
5 years ago
Day: 27

I was told to do an epsome salt flush and then start fertilizer so I’m going to do just that
5 years ago
Day: 26

Today’s the day! I repoted my plant today! It seems to be growing nicely other than the few yellow leaves witch I’m assuming is due to the plant not having enough room to grow
5 years ago
Day: 25

The leaves have started to yellow. I’m going to repot tomorrow and then probably start fertilizing. I have been putting that off
5 years ago
Day: 19

Growing well
5 years ago
Day: 18

I noticed little nodes coming up! It looks like 2 more will be coming up! I’m going to look into how to repot it without hurting the plant then I’ll repot it and start low stress training very shortly. I haven’t added nutrients because there is some in the soil but I will be starting that shortly after repotting as well
5 years ago
Day: 17

I think this is doing good I’ve never grown before but I’m happy with my start
5 years ago
Day: 16

I’m very happy with my first grow.
5 years ago
Day: 14

The plant is now getting the typical “pot shaped” leaves. It’s staying short which I like. Hopefully in the next few weeks I can repot into something bigger and start low stress gaining
5 years ago
Day: 13

Plant has been staying short
5 years ago
Day: 11

No nutrients yet I should probably start soon
5 years ago
Day: 10

The leaves are growing everyday the plant isn’t getting much taller
5 years ago
Day: 8

Still growing
5 years ago
Day: 7

No nutrients added yet plant seems to be doing good
5 years ago
Day: 6

Leaves are growing well. The plant is on a 24/0 light cycle and I am watering daily. Still staying nice and short
5 years ago
Day: 5

The plant is staying short and the leave are growing bigger.
5 years ago
Day: 4

The plant has grown nice leaves but the stem doesn’t look great
5 years ago
Day: 1

This was taken the day it popped up. 1-14-2020
5 years ago