
White Widdow

My first grow


Day 77 (Week 11)

20 updates

69 photos

Day: 77


Budparty! 🌿✌️☺️ I think they are doing well. Babybuds are looking good for me. Hope they’re growing big ... what do you think?

5 years ago

Papabear You take amazing pictures. What camera do you have?

Day: 71


In my opinion ladys are doing good! They grow a bit slow but i am still happy! We are in the second flower week. πŸŒΏπŸ˜ƒ

5 years ago

Dukeshaba I think they look great too bro

PargeLenis Thx ✌️🌿

Niktron Great photos!

Day: 61


Buds incoming ... πŸŽ‰ ... i think the lady’s like the new light cycle and the warmer light spectrum. Now i will give them a little bit more fertilizer for bloom and a bit of β€žTop Maxβ€œ cause the litte buds seems to be a little bit to yellow for my opinion.

5 years ago

Day: 59


Now the ladys are in flowering stage. 😍 12/12

5 years ago

BeanyRoy Ich wichs ins Beet

Day: 57

Still in grow mode and everything looks good. βœŒοΈπŸ˜ƒ

5 years ago


hetalpetal These are looking really good dude! πŸ‘πŸ½

PargeLenis Thank you! I just tried out what i saw on YouTube! πŸ˜…


Mystrain420 Do u fave a bigger space to flower in? You’ll probably need one. They look great btw

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Day: 54


Still growing well. Now i train the strains to stay under the net.

5 years ago

Day: 46


Now i have cropped the ladys a second time. And the SCROG net is now installed.

5 years ago

Day: 39


I think the ladys are looking good. πŸ™‚

5 years ago

Day: 36


Just another update πŸ˜‰

5 years ago


hetalpetal These look wicked! πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Day: 28


Now the ladys have moved into bigger pots. They had a bit phosphorus deficiency but now after giving them a little bit of organic fertilizer and new soil in a bigger pot, they look much better! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

5 years ago


hetalpetal She’s looking beautiful!

PargeLenis Thanks! 😊

Day: 22


Now guys getting bigger 😁 all looks good and now i have to water them much more than bevore. πŸ’¦

5 years ago

Day: 19

Still growing well. πŸ™‚

5 years ago

Day: 18


Still growing well. From now i will water them much more.

5 years ago

Day: 14


I had to support them with little sticks. πŸ™ˆ They are growing to fast and the root is not strong enough. Is that critical? What is the best practice for such a situation?

5 years ago

PargeLenis Sry, for the last image ... how can i delete a pic from my update?

Day: 10


Pretty heavy leafs for such a thin stem. 😰

5 years ago

Day: 9

Never seen a Plant growing this fast! πŸ™ˆ

5 years ago

BeanyRoy Things are getting serious

Day: 8


Well ... that escalated quickly!

5 years ago

Day: 5


Now 7cm/2,76inch

5 years ago

PargeLenis Do i have to worry about the little point on that right leaf?


hetalpetal Looking good!

Day: 3


Today they moved in. First grow for me. 😍

5 years ago


hetalpetal Coming along nicely!

PargeLenis Thanks, two of them are really nice but the other two are a bit weak. But its only three days. Im exited to see what happens. 😊


hetalpetal Mine too! I’ve only got one of the go though as my tent is quite small. A fan helped me to strengthen the stem a little on mine when she was getting a bit leggy, if that helps? 😊

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Day: 1

Its comming out! πŸ˜ƒ

5 years ago