White chem
5 gal fabric pot, fox farm ocean forest medium, fox farm trio, mars hydro II 900
Day 74 (Week 11)
16 updates
18 photos
Day: 74
103 grams total not to shabby
5 years ago
Day: 67
One more for looks
5 years ago
Day: 67
These girls matured so nice trichomes are mixed just a few amber super fat girl though not as sticky as some of the grape stuff like grape Walker kush and grapey Walter both are sticky as glue but not this white chem
5 years ago
GottaGrow She still looks sexy though!
Mikevroknnike Looking amazing
Day: 48
The biggest of the two white chem
5 years ago
Day: 48
Still not sure what caused the discoloration but it’s still going and packing on weight finally
5 years ago
Day: 43
Chugging along had some ph problems I believe due to the recharge ??
5 years ago
Mikevroknnike What do u use and how do U check ph level? What should it be at?
Day: 41
My new toy ac infinity cloud line T6 love it
5 years ago
Day: 40
These girls are starting to fatten up. Feed with recharge leaves turned lighter green with dark green veins. Some rust spots on the leaves as well. Was it the recharge or the ph problem when feeding ???? I’m going to give a good flush
5 years ago
Day: 35
Like always one plant is just nicer looking than the other but both are beautiful girls chugging along nice
5 years ago
Day: 29
Week four and she is busting colas everywhere hope she finishes strong need a lil more nutes for this one leaves are lighter green with dark green veins
5 years ago
Mikevroknnike What kind of light do u give it?
Day: 25
LST and small dose of big bloom
5 years ago
Day: 19
Got a dose of grow big for veg day 14 they look healthy one is bigger than the other
5 years ago
Day: 12
Quick update girls are kicking butt
5 years ago
Day: 8
One week old just ph water
5 years ago
Mikevroknnike Why those color lights? I’m a newb just curious.
Gandalf Mikevroknnikethose are led what people called burple..they get the job done but they make new style led lights full spectrum I think they are called
Day: 0
First day of sprout so happy!!!!
5 years ago