
First Grow Ever


One White Widow outdoor first grow

White Widow

Day 28 (Week 4)

6 updates

8 photos

Day: 28

Added some secret nutrition mix, gonna how the plant reacts and hopefully well

4 years ago

Day: 28

Got an upgrade of homes, very budget but will do the job, when I did the transplant I found a whole heap of roots in circles around the bottom so probably left her for too long in the small pot, but now she’s got space to grow and can’t wait to see how she goes. Got told a good piece of advice, water around the edges when you’ve transplanted to encourage the roots to grow to the outer edges, probably a basic idea but might help someone who didn’t know

4 years ago

Day: 18

Coming along slowly, been a crappy week with sunlight so not too stressed about the slow growth

4 years ago


ganjaman420 Looks very happy! Don’t stress man!

Learhoe Thanks, appreciate it 👍🏼

Day: 12

Hasn’t grow much at all, any suggestions from people who have done this for what I can try or do to increase the speed of grow, the plant gets atleast 10-8 hours of sunlight a day

4 years ago


lemiwinks The start of a grow is infuriatingly slow. Be patient.

Learhoe Not giving up hope, still looking healthy atleast


bigreds_grows I would make sure it gets more light and keep misting

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Day: 6

Not too much growth but growth non the less, loving the purple stem and the leaves have a hit of purple too

4 years ago

Day: 5

Sprouted yesterday, growing quickly now

4 years ago


ken-D I’m growing for the first time too