

First Grow - Prayer Pupil

Spring 2023

Two Prayer Pupil (hobby breeder friend), two Killer Queen XX (Brothers Grimm), paper towel germination, Roots Organics Original soil (KQ1, PP1), Roots Organics Greenfields soil (KQ2, PP2)

Prayer Pupil - Fem Photo

Day 131 (Week 19)


20 updates

63 photos

Day: 131


Flower day 82, chopped KC2 and PP2, hung to dry in 2x2 at 70F/60% with AC Infinity fan set at 2 speed.

2 years ago

Day: 127


Flower day 78, found bud rot in one cola of KC1 that was in the corner of tent, discarded that cola and chopped the plant, hung to dry in 2x2x4 tent at 70F/60% with AC Infinity in-line fan set at 1-2 speed.

2 years ago

Day: 117


Flower day 69, just watering every other day, 1 gallon each pot

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Looking good and pic 7 🔥🔥

Day: 108


Flower day 61

2 years ago

Day: 98


Day 50 flower, watering 1 gal per pot every 2-3 days. KQ1 (1, 4) is closest to finish, then KQ2 (2, 5), then PP2 with almost all white pistils. PP2 has been drinking less water this week, maybe bc it was defoliated more than the others? Lights at 900-1000ppfd. Average temp is 86F, average humidity is 70%, average VPD is 1.15

2 years ago

Day: 87


Flower day 39, final top dress with 1/4 cup Gaia Green Power Bloom 2-8-4 in each 5 gallon pot. Watered 1 gallon per pot, 6.1-6.3 pH. Lights reduced on day 37 to 75% to maintain approx 700-900 ppfd. Climate averages: temp 87.7F, RH 74.9%, VPD 1.12 kPa

2 years ago

Day: 81


F34, watering 1 gal every 2-3 days, pH 6.0-6.5, lights 800-900 PPFD. Light defoliation of lower bud sites and shaded fan leaves as well as fan leaves blocking upper bud sites. Prayer Pupil (pic 3,6) is the most frosty, KQ1 (pic 1,4) is tall with darker leaves and medium frost, KQ2 (pic 2,5) is squat with light leaves and the least amount of frost. Added a dehumidifier around day 75, climate averages: temp 84F, 75%RH, 1.10kPa

2 years ago

Day: 71


F23: Watered 6.0pH, light defoliation, adjusted lights (raised to max height and reduced to 75% intensity) to maintain 800-900 PPFD. Increased the heat to help drop the RH and get VPD up to 1.0-1.4, a week of rain has the lung room at 70F and 75% RH

2 years ago

Day: 66


F18, watered 1 gal per pot, reduced lights to 75% to maintain approx 900 PPFD.

2 years ago

Day: 60


Watering every 3 days, 1 gallon per pot. Once per week Mosquito Bits treatment. Stretching about 3 inches per week. First pistils showing, mostly on PP1. Lights at 85%, PPFD 700-900

2 years ago

Day: 53


Top dressed with 2-8-4 Bloom, defoliated, raised lights and increased PPFD to 550-750. Feed 1 gallon water 6.0-6.3 pH amended with Mosquito bits

2 years ago

Day: 47

Final LST and defoliation in veg. Fed 1 gal per plant. Had to move PP1 outside as the tent is full, still have KQ1, KQ2, and PP2 under the lights at approx 550 PPFD

2 years ago

Day: 40

LST on PP2, KQ1, and KQ2

2 years ago

Day: 32

Watered approx 3 quarts per pot until runoff

2 years ago

Day: 24

Transferred to 5 gallon pots. All pots have 1 tsp Dynomyco in the base of the transplant. PP1 and KQ1 have roots organics original, KQ2 is Roots Organics Greenfields amended with worm castings (1 pint per gallon).

2 years ago

Day: 19

Avg temp 66F, avg RH 73%, avg VPD 0.58. Bottom watered and refreshed DE. Increased PAR to 500. Added heater to increase temp range to 70-75F, adjusted humidity to 70% for VPD of 0.8-1.2

2 years ago

Day: 16

Fungus gnats, top dressed with DE, no water regimen

2 years ago

Day: 13

Avg: 64.8F, 75.7% RH, 0.51 kPa. RH lowered to 68-78%

2 years ago


desertrider Warm it up a little. Mid 70s


plethoraofpinatas Thanks @desertrider!

Day: 11

Lungroom temps dropped, RH was lowered to 70-80%, this increased the VPD to stay within the desired temp/rh range

2 years ago

Day: 9

Maintaining VPD average of 0.59

2 years ago


mushadog On seedlings if you just use a humidity dome you won’t need to chase VPD.