1st grow
Couple of seeds I acquired over time. Idk the stains. They first broke dirt in late March. Only started giving them nutes about a month ago.
Day 76 (Week 11)
52 updates
86 photos
Day: 76

One last veg pic. Before we end out this journa. Got a bigger fan in there today. Also raised the like 2-4” so yeah that’s does these girls are ready to go. I’ll catch y’all on the flip 🤙🏾🤙🏾
7 years ago
Day: 74

Two days after watering and they are already looking dry. Also it looks like I might have a nitrogen problem I’m noticing that “claw” look on the tips. I’m gonna dry then out completely and gone them just plain water. Hope they bounce back quickly.
7 years ago
Day: 73

Got em while the lights are out
7 years ago
Day: 72

So these plants have been drinking like crazy. Here’s a pic before a watered them and an hour later!! That’s awesome! Lastly here’s s pic of concern can someone tell me if that’s a pollen sac forming
7 years ago
Day: 69

Watered and nuted this morning. Girls were thirsty as hell. Before water and after pics
7 years ago
Day: 68

What im currently using. Getting my water ready for when the girls wake up tonight and gonna feed em. Transitioning to flower
7 years ago
Day: 67

Few more weeks till flower just a lil more patient
7 years ago
Sirsmokesalot Nice
Wiser_greenery Thanks man it’s been quite the journey
Day: 65

Water this early morning no nutes. They are looking healthy even tho I cut back on the calmag. I also added bout a drop of molasses again getting the soil ready for flower in the coming weeks.
7 years ago
Bigbzkidd Was thinking of using a bit of molasses ....what kind do you use?
Wiser_greenery Backstrap unsulfured I believe it’s called
Darkcloud2669 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👏👏👏
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Day: 63

Looking good no water today just a light spritz
7 years ago
Day: 61

Watered last night no nutes. Just calmag and ph to 6.5
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 I been following your story since day 21 an the difference is night/day!! I realize the further I go the more I know.. that extra space seem to have made a difference.. good growing my dude
Bigbzkidd How much longer till flower
Wiser_greenery DC you’re right man the more we know is key. They have come a long way I thought i was gonna lose one. But 🤙🏾🤙🏾 and Biz I’m thinking about flipping the lights in about two weeks. My girl to the very right has some catching up to do. They other 3 tho have been begging for about 4-5 months they are so ready to flower
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Day: 57

Nute feed last night. They are loving the new space
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 I know which one is your fav lol
Wiser_greenery Honestly man I think it the one way to the right. ThT girl there is like my stubborn teen lol but I love how far she’s come
Day: 53

Watered and happy. Cut back on the calmag I’m sure I was overdoing it. Gonna see if that stops the slight burns on the tips. And they are approaching sleep time. That’s why they look down.
7 years ago
Bigbzkidd I noticed some nitrogen toxicity in my plants right before I flipped them to 12/12, it looks like heat stress and nutrient burn and was making one of my ladies leaves curl under after flush of 5 gallons and a few days it was looking better. But I believe it was caused by using cal mag and I noticed also when I used it it raised the ppms of my nutes up by about 300-400 so I stopped using it right before flower.
Bigbzkidd I believe day 42 on my grow is where you see one of the ladies with the clawing from nitrogen toxicity. I believe it started a few days earlier but I just thought it was from the sun until it started looking bad.
Wiser_greenery Yeah that calmag is tricky stuff until ya get it right. It only burnt the tips of one of my girls. It does give my water a 200-300 ppm boost. So a normal watering is about 400+ and a nute water is about 650-700s I feel that’s a bit low but I don’t wanna get outta hand and fuck something up lol
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Day: 52

Water feed tonight
7 years ago
Day: 50

No water. No nutes. Just a little leaf picking and she down for a nap
7 years ago
Bigbzkidd How are your temps in the tent?
Wiser_greenery Lows are like 67-72 when lights are off. The high is usually between 80-84. The hottest is 86 is I don’t run my ac in the room
Wiser_greenery Rh fluxes from 45-65 just about
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Day: 49

They are liking the extra space
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Wow lookn good!!! Their gonna love the extra space
Day: 48

These girls are drinking more and more. Feeding them on every 3rd-4th day it seems. The new Home came today so they got some space now
7 years ago
ISAIAHTHESLAYYA What kind of light are you running?
Wiser_greenery Viparspectra 450. It’s just one right now. Will add another soon
Day: 47

Bigger tent coming tomorrow
7 years ago
Bigbzkidd Nice man glad to see your ladies coming along. I just saw your question about my tent. Idk why but I was never notified when that question was posted. But what size tent did u pick up anyway?
Wiser_greenery I ended getting a 2*4*6
Bigbzkidd Nice mine is almost the same except a foot shorter
Day: 45

On a whim did some topping and more bending today. Also gave them a watering this morning
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Don’t know what you did but you can see a big difference in a week with your girls.. they look happy
Wiser_greenery Honestly man I’ve been paying more attention to them and how they react. Only thing I changed this week was the difference in calmag I use. I think I was over using it
Day: 44

Did some training last night cuz they are too high😝no pun intended. Tell me what y’all think
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 That one in the back is a monster!! But they look awesome!! How much longer till harvest?
Wiser_greenery I’ll be switching the light schedule in about 3 weeks.
Darkcloud2669 They’ve come a long waaay from when I first seen them.. the transformation is incredible
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Day: 42

Currently!! Ordering the bigger tent this weekend. My girl in the back about to touch the light 😊😊
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Wow they look amazing!!!!!! I know your exited about the harvest at the end.. that one in the back about to go thru the roof lol.. but good job man they look reallly good
Day: 41

Watered and nuted
7 years ago
Day: 38

7 years ago
Day: 37

7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 They look really good, especially compared to before.. they look happy.. that one in the back has a thick stem an has a monster main stem on it.. did you lollipop them? Looks like it
Wiser_greenery I did a little bit of lollipop not too much justbthe leaves that were really yellow.
Day: 35

Any recommendations???
7 years ago
Day: 34

Watered them yesterday with nutes. the next week should be good still feeding them a half gallon or so.
7 years ago
Day: 30

Fed them last night. Calmag Ph water
7 years ago
Legalizepeople Wowww. They are much better!! What u did? I am having a problem with my girl and it is just getting worst! 😖
Wiser_greenery Flushed it. With ph water. 3gallons worth that’s when they started bouncing back.
Wiser_greenery Also been giving them more nutes. About to water them again tonight
Day: 28

Transplanted another( bottom right) girl to the big pot another tent is a must
7 years ago
Kody Think you have a nutrient deficiency somewhere sir, I'd start with magnesium, maybe phosphorus. But don't take my word for it id have someone more experienced than me check in to it...
Day: 26

Waking up strong
7 years ago
Day: 25

A bit more “aggressive” nute feed this time. 3 tsp GH trio 2 1/2 tsp calmag Looks like the girls like it rough cuz they look good
7 years ago
Legalizepeople How much water are u giving them bro? And how often?
Legalizepeople They look better!
Wiser_greenery Half gallon give or take a ml. And I do wet to dry. So I hit em every 4/5 days with misting in between
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Day: 24

7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Getting sooooo much better! You can tell it’s more green than it used to be.. branches an main stem looking 💪 she’ll thank you later
Day: 23

7 years ago
Day: 22

Looking good today
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Wow how long have I been gone?? Your girls look so much better than they did last week!! Whatever your doing bro keep it up
Day: 21

Watered them with calmag and ph
7 years ago
Day: 19

Light misting. Is all today
7 years ago
Day: 16

Much better I suppose
7 years ago
Day: 16

Don’t like how naked she is in the back but hopefully will grow better
7 years ago
Day: 14

Flushed with 3g of 6.5 ph water. With a light nute feed on top. 3/4 strength. Hopefully this stops the burning and the spots
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Honestly she’s looking a lot better than just a few days ago.. your checking the PPM before feeding her right?
Darkcloud2669 Maybe cutting those lower leaves that were bright yellow already was a good idea, the more energy goes towards other places an you can tell bro
Day: 13

I’m at a loss idk what this shit Is but the spots won’t stop only on this plant it’s on a couple fan leaves and I’ve already clipped off a few. and My other girl continues to yellow. HELP!!
7 years ago
ISAIAHTHESLAYYA Try some cal mag , looks like your having some magnesium deficiencies
Day: 11

Got some burning going on in the back. That plant randomly gets these spots haven’t figured out what it’s from. Also Trimmed all yellow leaves.
7 years ago
Day: 10

Watered down with 6.5 ph water. Temps are at 75 and rh at 60%. Hopefully the color changes will stop for now. And adjusted the light more to the center
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 👌🏼 hopefully they thrive
Wiser_greenery Me too buddy. I get so in my head when they aren’t striving
Day: 9

7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 To me personally I think you over watered them... try google what it looks like if plants are over watered an you might see
Day: 8

Had a stem break today luckily I was able to mend it to where it can fix itself. Phew.
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 What are your stats for your girls? Like PPM, PH level, indoor temp an humidity, ...
Wiser_greenery Ph: 6.3 Hu: usually around 40-50% Temps: between 72-84 throughout the day. Ppm: trying to keep it at 800 right now. The last nute feed was pretty high tho.
Day: 7

Lookin good
7 years ago
Day: 6

Wakey wakey.
7 years ago
Legalizepeople What lights are u using?
Wiser_greenery It’s a 450 viaspectra led
Darkcloud2669 Have you thought about trimming those bottom leaves that are really yellow? It might help transform the energy to another part of the plant to grow.. take a blade an cut away from the main branch
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Day: 5

Light mist today. Growth is still slowed it seems from the transplant. But coming along. The tops are starting to show also
7 years ago
Wiser_greenery Ended up feeding them oh water. Bout a liter and a half each hopefully they will look better in the morning
Legalizepeople How old are they? From germination to now?
Wiser_greenery From germination. They are about 90 days old. I shoulda put them in bigger pots over a month ago. I might veg another month before doing the flip
Day: 4

So definitely got some burning going on in the back. Gonna wait a day or two then see what happens. Also starting to train the one on the left. Gotta get some light thru.
7 years ago
TahoeRosinCompany Do you have three plants in one pot??
Wiser_greenery No buddy each pot as one seed each. That’s just how they are growing
Day: 3

They are just waking up. Looking a bit better. Aside from the yellow leaves on the back one(think I’m gonna cut em away). But nothing today but a light mist.
7 years ago
Legalizepeople Looks better bro. Keep on.
Wiser_greenery Do you think I should wait a week or two before topping my last plant or is it ok to top a few days after transplant
Legalizepeople Dude, looking to her size, it's about time. But she looks stressed.. so I think the best is to solve this week before doing the topping. Do you know what the problem with them? Are you regulating the ph?
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Day: 3

Also have this survivor coming to life nicely
7 years ago
Mojomyke Autos??
Legalizepeople Wow. Just 3 days? Congratulations
Wiser_greenery No no no sir 2 months. Idk if the seed was old to start with. But it was getting really hot and moved it. Then dropped it.....twice..1 spill out the cup. The other out my hand. 🙄 clutz but a lil xl Oregonism water for a feed or two. Then ph. And look at it now😃😃
Day: 2

Ok so it is day 80 Since breaking dirt and Just now transferred to 3g smart pots. Also fed the a little nutes. (Hope that’s alright). They still look sad but will bounce back.
7 years ago
Legalizepeople You transfered it very late. I hope it save the girls.
Darkcloud2669 What nutriants were you using? Hopefully you can save them.. they just need TLC
Wiser_greenery I knowww😨😨 Im using the flora trio nutes I hope they will be ok
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Day: 1

They are almost ready for a feeding Later on I adjusted the stem so more light is exposed. Also wondering if this in being done correctly
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Looking good buddy!! I have a question. Check out mine on my page, is that normal to have one of the leaves kinda yellow that young?
Darkcloud2669 That green crack looks goooood!!!! I like the way you tracked it everyday, it’s nice to see the progress of the plant... looks good
Hiltonplantation Hey bro ur going amazing but ur plant doesnt look healthy its always better to over feed on nutriment in the begging rather than at the end ...otherwise u may accure issue if the plant becomes sick it may not have the fight it needs to survive
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Day: 0

Red pot- self topped, stands about 5” from soil. Light cycle is 18/6 Blue pot- topped recently, stands about 7” from soil. Same lighting Green pot- recently transferred, about 7” from soil. Same lighting.
7 years ago
Wiser_greenery Transplanting to 3g smart pots
Darkcloud2669 Nice looking plant you got there, just curious but what strain?
Wiser_greenery Thanks darkcloud. To be honest man I have no F’n clue. Lol. I’ve gathered over 100 seeds from over time and just stuck em in dirt. I hoping someone can tell me what I might have
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