
Purple Haze Auto - Plant #2

A Mistake That Went Good

This was a seed that did not look viable. I soaked it for about 48 hours and it grew a tap root one and a half inches long that looked like a “check-mark.” I actually just basically threw it in the growing medium and she just grew. She is in week number seven (7) and should be finished in two to three weeks or more.


Day 65 (Week 10)


4 updates

6 photos

Day: 65

She’s starting to develop many bud sites. She has a 10.5 inch main cola. She’s 9 weeks, plus 2 days. If she does like PHAuto#1, she still has about 3 weeks.

3 months ago

Patty Black

Patty Black 🔥🔥

Day: 61


Definitely three weeks plus. This variant grows bushy. I have removed all of the fan leaves not necessary for further growth. Starting to see a very light dusting on the leaves. Actually, just noticed on closer inspection. Patience is a virtue that I am trying to get back.

3 months ago

Patty Black

Patty Black Ya. I think at least 3 weeks. Keep in mind breeders ‘timeline’ on readiness is under ideal conditions at a professional greenhouse. Idk if I’ve ever had a plant finish in timeframe breeders have said. My legend og is at 10 weeks flower right now and still has time maybe 2 weeks out for me.

Patty Black

Patty Black And for my legend og breeder states 8-10 weeks flower

Day: 60

Picture of main cola. Still about 3 weeks from finishing.

3 months ago

Day: 56

She is just full of bud sights.

3 months ago