


Late summer 2020

Hydroponic WW. Had some overheating problems. Nitrogen deficiencies. Flushed jar and switched to MaxiGro. Plant seems healty

White widow auto

Day 104 (Week 15)

15 updates

26 photos

Day: 104

WW2 has suffered a serious trim, part out of need and part accidental. Hopefully the shock hasn’t been too greater for it to recover from it. The reservoir has been replenished. RH is staying low and no signs of blooming are yet visible. Accidental HST performed on this plant

4 years ago

Day: 93

WW2 remains the strongest. The lack of space has made it crush against the side of the tent. No training had made this tall and lanky. Me inexperience keeps me from identifying where the buds will be growing at, so I’m not sure how to help it spread and stay ventilated. No signs of bloom yet.

4 years ago


qthegrower Is it still on a 12 /8 cycle


mystrain420 YouTube is your friend lol. Watch defoliation, topping, and lst videos. Look like u need to defoliate, u should also post better pics if u want help, a pic of the entire plants would be better to diagnose any problems and suggest tips. If it’s tall as u say it’ll probably burn up touching the lights during flowering so maybe watch videos on scrog also. Scrog can increase yield while also helping u clear some of that up. Good luck 👍🏾


mystrain420 Might be to late for training because their autos but the knowledge will help in the next grow. Might wanna try fem photo period seeds

Day: 80

WW1 has grown the most of all three plants. Unfortunately since it sits father back I wasn’t able to check the water level until I moved WW3. By the time o got to replenish the reservoir the bucket was completely dry and some signs of shock were already visible on the plant. Yellowing on the lower and mid leaves as well as dropping on the top leaves. I hope it’s not too late for it. WW2 is taking over the space. It’s growing wild and blocking the light of the other two, and it nearly reaches the ceiling. I’ve moved the light as far up as possible, but it’s still way too close. If it keeps growing there won’t be any more room for it to grow.

4 years ago

Day: 75

A massive explosion of growth since the addition of Hydroguard. I think the plants really raved the additional nutrients and the roots were in bad shape, stunning the growth. It remains healthy but spacing is starting to become an issue. The USB fan is placer underneath this plant keeping it ventilated but the other plants are starting to cut access to the light from it. I have changed the light to a hybrid blue and red to force transition into flowering.

4 years ago

Day: 66

Plant is staying healthy and short. This plant I believe is a perfect example of what would happen to the other two if there hadn’t been so many mistakes made. Some minor root rot was visible. I added 5ml of Hydroguard. Space is starting to get crowded. I’m hitting all plants with supplemental blue light to keep them short. I’m hoping this will start flowering in the next two weeks.

4 years ago

Day: 62

Plant remains short but bushy. There’s still a lot of growth and fan leaves are starting to obstruct light on the smaller ones. I’ve tucked them under in the hopes that the small leaves get more light and I won’t be shocking the plant by removing big leaves. I believe the additional air provided by the USB fan in the back is helping this plant stay healthy and short.

4 years ago

Day: 58


Plant is doing great! It’s strong and short. I have high hopes for this plant. I’m worried than WW1 may be throwing some shade on it. I will defóliate the bottom leaves, but stalk and leaves are very strong and healthy. Root structure has exploded! DWC is doing wonders for all the plants. I hope that this plant will go into flowering in the next couple weeks.

4 years ago

Day: 53


Plant remains healthy. Fan leave growth has almost doubled. Plant is staying pretty short and bushy, which is great. Other plants in hay had to deal with more extreme conditions are stringier, but this one remains low and lush. Will flush reservoir this weekend and add drain tube.

4 years ago

Day: 51


Plant stays healthy and green. This remains by far the healthiest of the three. A lot of new growth at thee base since switching to DWC. Lower nutrient concentration seems to be working wonders on all three plants as well. Will add more blue light to help veg state.

4 years ago

Day: 50

Switched lid on bucket and sealed to reduce light leaks. Added aluminum foil to bounce light back up. Removed mason jar ring to get roots closer to the reservoir. Plant seems healthy. Maybe a few yellow spots appearing but nothing of concern yet.

4 years ago

Day: 47

Switched to DWC, lowered nutes concentrations. Plant seems happy and healthy

4 years ago

Day: 42

WW2 continues to be the healthiest plant. Leaves are strong and green. Some traces of N deficiency on the lower leaves. Will flush jars this weekend. Try to get the nutrient rates right this time.

4 years ago

Day: 40

The plant stays green and strong! New leaves are green and bright. No N deficiency apparent.

4 years ago

Day: 39

WW2 seems the strongest. Leaves are strong and green. Some discoloration on lower leaves due to N deficiency. Closed top passive intake(where the usb fan used to be) and added a humidifier to try and rise the humidity level

4 years ago

Day: 37

Plant is about 4”. Light cycle is 18/6. Plant seems healthy

4 years ago