a Joe grow

a Joe grow

Tidal wave culture



Tidal wave

Day 5 (Week 1)

2 updates

2 photos

Day: 5

Set 2 plates will check in like 2 w

a year ago

60tree Grower

60tree Grower How does this work, I seen this with mushroom spores but do this kit grow roots and you have to transfer to another plate then to it’s finish media? Looks pretty interesting! Hope all is well!

a Joe grow

a Joe grow This is a mushroom culture syringe. It's a ready-to-use item. Inject your pasteurized substrate with 1-5ccs and wait a month. youll Be good to go. If you want the website, I get it from sporeswap.com. It is a community of activity and gourmet mushroom growers

a Joe grow

a Joe grow I Grow my mushrooms outside usually in hardwood so I won't have updates till next year

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a year ago