

Summer 2023 (Misc) (ARCHIVED)

Royal Queen Seeds (Misc)

A few random strains I started at various points recently.

1x Special Kush #1, 1x F1 Orion, 2x Northern Lights

Day 34 (Week 5)


4 updates

13 photos

Day: 34

This journal has been consolidated

2 years ago

Day: 25


Special kush isn’t doing too well. I may have let her dry out too much. She’ll prolly bounce back. Small northern lights has been my experiment plant trying all sorts of things to see how tough the genetics are. So far she has taken a HELL OF A BEATING!

2 years ago

Day: 21


Letting them dry out.

2 years ago

Day: 20


A few random strains. Totally forgot I even had this northern lights and she’s flowering! Man these AF’s are crazy speedy! 🌱

2 years ago


zer0ping Spots on the plants is just DE from treating buggies etc 🐜 🐛 🐞


zer0applied I actually look forward to the things you say now. When I find your trolling on others journals I get a good chuckle. Man you’re pathetic but in a funny as hell way.


zer0applied Keep telling yourself that lol

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